Mongiardino Ligure
Discovering the Municipality of Mongiardino Ligure
Hello friends! Today I want to talk to you about a beautiful municipality in Piedmont called Mongiardino Ligure, or "Mongiardin" in the Piedmontese and Ligurian languages. This scattered municipality has only 149 inhabitants and is located in the upper Val Sisola, a tributary of the Borbera Valley. The municipal headquarters is located in the hamlet of Lago Patrono and is the only municipality in the Borbera Valley under the archdiocese of Genoa.
Physical Geography
The territory of the municipality of Mongiardino Ligure can be divided into three valleys: Sisola, Gordenella and Vobbia. The hamlet of Salata Mongiardino is located in the Vobbia Valley, while all the other hamlets are located in the Sisola and Gordenella valleys. The municipality is surrounded by unspoiled nature that offers breathtaking views.

Mongiardino Ligure has a very interesting history that dates back to the 14th century. In the locality of Vergagni there was a castle belonging to the Spinola family. Today, it is possible to admire a stretch of wall about 50 meters long as well as traces of bastions and a cistern for collecting rainwater. In 1687, two sons of the Fieschi family divided their father's inheritance and obtained their share of Mongiardino. Later, in 1735, the feud passed to the Marquis Giovan Battista Rivarola. In 1863, the municipality of Mongiardino assumed the name "Mongiardino Ligure".
Montebore Cheese Production
Did you know that the rarest cheese in the world is produced in Mongiardino Ligure? It's called Montebore and is a semi-hard cheese produced by artisanal methods in the area since the 1400s. The name "Montebore" derives from the mountain where the ancient stronghold of the Spinola family was located. If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend tasting it!
Friends, I hope you have enjoyed my brief guide to Mongiardino Ligure. This small Piedmontese municipality is ideal for those looking for moments of peace and quiet in contact with nature. Furthermore, I recommend visiting the hamlet of Salata Mongiardino in the Vobbia Valley and discovering the production of the delicious Montebore. See you next time with another adventure to share with you!