
Monfumo: Discover the History of the Veneto Municipality

Monfumo is a small Italian municipality in the province of Treviso, Veneto, with a population of approximately 1316 inhabitants. The city is rich in history, with traces dating back to the medieval period and offers a suggestive panoramic view thanks to its position atop hills. In this article, we will explore the history of the municipality, its symbols, honors, society, and economy.


The toponym "Monfumo" probably derives from the formation of clouds around the top of the mountains. Some less common hypotheses instead connect the name to the presence of smoke for defensive purposes during the Lombard Kingdom. Although there are few artifacts that testify to the municipality's oldest history, there are many historical references linked to the medieval period.

At the beginning of the 12th century, the different fractions of Monfumo constituted a fiefdom that revolved around the medieval commune of Treviso. The Maltraversi settled in Monfumo (also known as da Monfumo) and the inhabitants of the Castelli fraction settled in Castelli. The two houses lived in their respective strongholds, which were to be where the two respective parishes of the towns are today.

Maltraversi and da Castelli were aligned with the Ghibelline faction and in the 13th century allied with the Scaligeri against the Guelphs represented by Caminesi and the bishops of the dioceses of Feltre and Treviso. Their defeat was decreed by the conquest of the Serenissima, which abolished the fiefs in the place creating the podesteria of Asolo, governed by Venetian rectors.

The present-day municipality of Monfumo was established in 1810 during the Napoleonic domination, separating its territory from that of Asolo. In 1928, the entity was suppressed and re-aggregated to Asolo, but finally returned to autonomy in 1945.

Monfumo: History, Symbols and Economy of a Venetian Municipality.


The civic coat of arms of Monfumo, which has no official grant, can be blazoned as follows:

The municipality's gonfalon is a blue-colored cloth.


Monfumo has not received any official honors.


Demographic Evolution

The population of Monfumo has undergone several fluctuations over the years. According to demographic statistics, the number of inhabitants increased until 1951, when it reached a peak of 1978 people. Since then, the population has steadily decreased until today.

Ethnic and Foreign Minorities

As of December 31, 2017, only 2.1% of Monfumo's population was composed of foreigners, the lowest figure in the province.


Until 10-15 years ago, Monfumo was primarily an agricultural area, with an economy based on vineyard crops and dairy farming. Over time, agricultural activity began to decline, leading to the crisis of this sector. This was mainly due to the difficulties that agriculture encounters in an all-hilly territory. This territory makes it difficult to cultivate the land and disadvantages the municipality compared to other agricultural realities that are based on mechanization.

From an industrial point of view, the municipality is heavily specialized in the construction sector, with a high number of local units and employees employed in this sector. On the other hand, the manufacturing sector is mainly made up of small local units with few employees.

In general, Monfumo is a municipality with a long history and an important agricultural tradition that, despite difficulties, continues to evolve and adapt to economic changes.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Friday, Apr 15, 2022