
Mondovì: a city with many names

Mondovì, also known as ''Ël Mondvì'' in Piedmontese, is a town located in the province of Cuneo, in Piedmont. The name of the city comes from the Latin ''Mons vicus'' and Piedmontese ''Mont ëd Vì'', meaning "mountain of the village". The city is located between mountains, hills, and plains: to the north is the plain that leads to Turin, while to the east are the hills of Langhe and to the south and west the mountains of the Alps.

The inhabitants of Mondovì are called "monregalesi", which derives from Latin ''Mons Regalis'' (royal mountain), which was the name the city was previously known by. It is on multiple levels: the original nucleus is Piazza (Mondovì), located on the hill of Monte Regale, while the districts of Breo, Pian della Valle, Carassone, Borgato, and Rinchiuso are located at the bottom, along the Ellero river and experienced their highest development between the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, thanks to the arrival of the railway and the establishment of manufacturing activities and factories. The district of Altipiano is the most modern and inhabited residential area.

The climate of Mondovì

Since 1984, the city of Mondovì has a meteorological station located in Torre Bressani in the Belvedere Gardens, in the Park of Time. In the past, there was a station of the Aeronautica Militare Meteorological Service that was dismantled in 1962. Thanks to the presence of the meteorological station, it is known that the climate of Mondovì is continental, with hot and dry summers and cold and snowy winters.

Mondovì: between history, landscapes, and culture

The history of Mondovì

The area on which the city of Mondovì stands has been inhabited since the Bronze Age. During ancient times, the area was under the control of the Liguri Bagienni, and then colonized by the Romans in the 2nd century BC who built the city of Augusta Bagiennorum near today's Bene Vagienna.

In medieval times, Mondovì was an important Byzantine outpost against the advance of the Lombards, similar to Morotia (Morozzo) and Mons Fortis (Monforte d'Alba). The limes between the Lombards and Byzantines was along the rivers Stura and Tanaro and constituted the border between Western Lombardy (later Piedmont) and Liguria for many centuries. The city was founded in 1198, after the destruction of Bredolo, which freed the territory for the foundation of new cities, such as Mondovì and Cuneo.

During the 16th century, Mondovì became a fortress during the War of Liberation against the French. In the 18th century, the city had significant industrial development, thanks to the production of silk, fabrics, and chocolate factories. In the post-unification period, Mondovì and its province were the victims of emigration, with a significant decrease in population.

Today, Mondovì stands out for its cultural, artisanal, and gastronomic wealth, as well as its places of historical interest, such as the Church of the Mission, the Cathedral of San Donato, the Francesco Borgatti Theatre, and the Sanctuary of Vicoforte, one of the largest religious buildings in Europe.


Mondovì is a city with an ancient and fascinating history, situated in a strategic geographical position between mountains, hills, and plains. Known as the "mountain of the village", it has seen significant growth over the centuries, becoming a fortress during the War of Liberation against the French and enjoying significant industrial development in the 18th century. Today, the city is a gem of Piedmontese culture, craftsmanship, and gastronomy, which is worth visiting to appreciate its beauty and its history rich in charm and significant events.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Thursday, Feb 3, 2022