
Casarola: the hamlet of Monchio delle Corti

Casarola is a small Italian hamlet located in the municipality of Monchio delle Corti, in the province of Parma. With about 80 inhabitants, Casarola has an interesting history that makes it a place of cultural importance in Italy.

History of the hamlet

Casarola is particularly important in Italian literary circles because it is where the father of poet Attilio Bertolucci was born. The poet himself had a significant connection to this hamlet, as he lived here briefly with his family during the war.

Attilio Bertolucci's childhood home in Casarola has undergone significant renovation work, becoming a place of interest for poetry and culture enthusiasts.

The hamlet also has an important connection to Attilio Bertolucci's son, the famous Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci. In fact, Casarola was the location for his first film, shot with a 16-millimetre camera in 1956.

Casarola: the cultural district of Monchio delle Corti.

The House of Cherries

On August 4th, 2007, the House of Cherries was inaugurated in Casarola, a multipurpose centre inside the Parco dei Cento Laghi. This centre was created to promote the memory and study of Attilio Bertolucci, offering a meeting place for poetry enthusiasts.

On the occasion of the Parma Poetry Festival, special days dedicated to Attilio Bertolucci's poetry are organised at the House of Cherries. In 2011, on the centenary of the poet's birth, the Pages of Stone were presented: a nineteen-step path that starts from Attilio's house, now visitable, and reaches the village cemetery; along the way, there are as many stone slabs bearing chosen verses from his poems.


Casarola is a small Italian hamlet located in the province of Parma. This village has an interesting history, linked to the Bertolucci family and Italian poetry. The House of Cherries, inaugurated in 2007, offers a meeting place for poetry enthusiasts who want to learn more about the life and work of Attilio Bertolucci. The hamlet is also a destination for tourists who want to discover the location where Bernardo Bertolucci's first film was shot.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Sunday, Mar 27, 2022