Monastero Bormida

The Municipality of Monastero Bormida

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about the Municipality of Monastero Bormida, a real gem in the province of Asti, in Piedmont. The town, which has 912 inhabitants, is located in a valley bathed by the Bormida river and is characterized by a beautiful castle, which stands on the site of the original monastery founded by Benedictine monks around 1050. In the following sections, I will talk about the history of this enchanting place.

History of the Municipality of Monastero Bormida

The monastery was founded by the monks who came from the nearby abbey of Fruttuaria at the request of Aleramo, marquis of Monferrato, to clean up and cultivate the lands devastated by Saracen invasions. The current castle is built on the site of the original monastery, of which only the bell tower and few mural sections remain. The presence of a previous Lombard monastic foundation is attested by the cult of Saint Julia, still venerated today as the patron saint of the town.

In the ninth century, the Saracens destroyed the monastery of San Dalmazzo di Pedona and the Abbey of Ferrania, plundering also the territory of Bubbio and reaching the walls of Acqui, where they were defeated. The monks took the place of the old Roman mansions, building the bell tower, the church and the bridge. In 1393, the Benedictines abandoned the town and moved to the monastery of San Bartolomeo di Azzano d'Asti. From that moment on, the feudal history of the Monastero di Santa Giulia began, with the investiture made by Pope Boniface IX to the Del Carretto family.

The Municipality of Monastero Bormida: history and beauties

The Del Carretto and the rights of the population

The Del Carretto were the feudal lords of the town from the fifteenth century. They always made sure to maintain the immunities and rights that the population had acquired over time, as confirmed by the Statutes granted by Duke Carlo II of Gonzaga-Nevers of Mantova and Monferrato in 1664, which reproduce the laws and prohibitions of a medieval wording.

The Castle of Monastero Bormida Today

The castle of Monastero Bormida has been impeccably restored and thanks to this remains one of the symbols of the town. In addition to the castle, the town also offers numerous tourist attractions, including the parish church of Santa Giulia, the central square and the Bormida river, ideal for an outdoor walk.


In conclusion, the Municipality of Monastero Bormida is an enchanting place that encapsulates the history of its people. The presence of the Benedictine monks and the feudal history have generated important developments for the territory and the investment of the Del Carretto family has allowed to maintain a cultural heritage of inestimable value. I recommend everyone to visit the town to discover its treasures up close.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Tuesday, Jul 19, 2022