
Welcome to Mombercelli - A brief introduction

Hello everyone! Today I'll be telling you about Mombercelli, a small but fascinating town in the province of Asti, in the Piedmont region. With just over 2000 inhabitants, Mombercelli is a hidden gem among the hills of the Valtiglione to the south of Asti. The area is famous for its vineyards and hazelnut groves, which fuel a highly esteemed wine production. Come and discover this pearl of the Piedmont countryside with me!

Physical Geography - Territory and Landscape

Mombercelli is situated on a gentle hill in Valtiglione, an area known for wine production. The town's territory is mainly divided into three zones: the Pontetto, the Piana and the piazza. However, the hilly terrain extends into the surrounding areas of Costarossa, Roeto, Tocco, Variala, Bronzino and other locations. The town is connected only by provincial roads, but it's easy to reach the nearby Montegrosso d'Asti to the west, the territories of the Rocchetta Tanaro Nature Park to the north and Castelnuovo Calcea to the south. Nizza Monferrato is instead the most famous town located to the southeast. The town's motto, "Hospes veniat, fugiat hostis" (let the guest come, let the enemy flee), will welcome you and make you feel at home.

Mombercelli, a hidden treasure in the Piedmont hills.

History - From the fortified Lombard village to the modern city

Mombercelli has an ancient and fascinating history. Born in the 10th century as a fortified Lombard village along with the nearby lands of Malamorte (now Belveglio) and Vigliano d'Asti, it became part of an imperial fiefdom in 1125 under the rule of Loreto d'Asti. About thirty years later, the lords of Asti made agreements with the Marchesato del Monferrato for a military alliance in order to build a tower in the fortified enclosure of Mombercelli, at the border of the territories, i.e. the current castle now out of use. In the following centuries there were clashes between the Guelph and Ghibelline families, with the involvement of the families of the Marchesato di Manfredo di Lanerio - De Canelio. In 1305 the Mombercelli territory was ceded to one Martino Alfieri as a reward for his services. In 1342 Mombercelli passed into the possession of Galeazzo II Visconti, who was already co-signor of the city of Milan, and the village remained under the Duchy of Milan for almost four centuries. In this period Mombercelli was entrusted to the Milanese families of Maggiolini and Scarampi, who lived in the castle until the seventeenth century, together with the noble family of Bellone, but also the Asinari Marquises of Bernezzo. Despite the presence of the fortified manor, the people of Mombercelli have always known how to welcome strangers, as the town's motto demonstrates.

Monuments - Castle, churches, and towers

Mombercelli is a city full of historic monuments to discover. The Castle, built in the 12th century, is the most important building and one of the most important historical testimonies. Over time, the castle has undergone numerous renovations and changes of ownership, but it has always maintained its grandeur and charm. In addition to the Castle, Mombercelli boasts many churches that represent the city's faith. The Parish Church of San Giovanni Battista, dating back to the 15th century, is the main place of worship in the town. Other important churches include the Church of San Rocco and the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine. Finally, Mombercelli is also known for its medieval towers, which dominate the historic center of the city.

Events and traditions - The culture of wine and local markets

Mombercelli has a deep wine culture, reflected in the numerous wineries and wine companies located in the township's territory. This passion for wine is expressed through numerous events that take place throughout the year, such as the San Giovanni Battista Fair and the Sagra del Dolcetto. In addition, Mombercelli is famous for its local markets, where you can purchase fresh and high-quality products directly from the surrounding land. Don't forget to visit the Country Market, which takes place every Tuesday morning in the main Square.

Conclusion - Mombercelli, a jewel waiting to be discovered

Here is a brief introduction to Mombercelli, a fascinating town steeped in history, immersed in the Piedmontese hills landscape. If you're looking for an authentic and original destination in Italy, Mombercelli is perfect for you. Visit this beautiful town with strong traditions and a rich history of events. Discover the true face of the Piedmont countryside and let yourself be enchanted by its beauty. We look forward to welcoming you to Mombercelli!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Sunday, Nov 20, 2022