Mombello di Torino

Hi everyone! Today I'll be talking to you about Turin, the city we love, and that many of you may already know about!

Physical Geography

Turin is located on the Po Valley, between the Stura di Lanzo, Sangone, and Po rivers. The city faces the peaks of the Alps, with the Lanzo and Val Susa valleys surrounding it. Thanks to its location, Turin has been an important hub for trade throughout its history.


Turin has a long and rich history that dates back approximately 2,200 years when it was founded by the Celts. Over the centuries, the city was ruled by the Romans, Goths, French, and Austrians. In 1861, Turin became the first Italian capital, and an important cultural and economic center in the country. Today, Turin is a dynamic and modern city, but its history is still visible everywhere you go. There are many historic squares and monuments that testify to its millennial history.

Turin: history, culture, and economy in the fascinating city of Piedmont.


Turin is one of Italy's most important cities from an economic perspective. During the years of the Italian economic miracle, Turin was part of the industrial triangle with Milan and Genoa, and was the heart of the country's automotive industry. Today, the city is still an important center for the automotive industry but also hosts many companies in other sectors such as IT, finance, fashion, and food. Turin is also known for its espresso coffee, grissini, vermouth, and Gianduiotti, the famous Piedmontese chocolate.

Culture and Tourism

Turin is a city that is very rich in terms of culture and tourism. It has many attractions for all tastes, such as the Egyptian Museum, which hosts one of the most important collections of Egyptian art in the world, the Mole Antonelliana, which at 167.5 meters high is the highest brick building in Europe, and the Reggia di Venaria, an incredible example of baroque architecture. Additionally, for football enthusiasts, the city is home to the famous Juventus club. Turin is also famous for its delicious culinary specialties such as Bicerin, a drink made from coffee, chocolate, and milk, and Agnolotti, a type of stuffed pasta.


Turin is a fascinating and lively city, rich in history, culture, and culinary excellence. It is a city where the past merges perfectly with the present, and where there is always something to see or do. If you haven't yet visited Turin, I suggest you do so as soon as possible, you won't regret it!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Wednesday, Jun 22, 2022