
Welcome to Mombasiglio!

Hello everyone, welcome to Mombasiglio, a small municipality located in the province of Cuneo, in Piedmont. This beautiful town, with a population of about 621 inhabitants, is situated between Mondovì and Ceva, protected by the splendid Valle Mongia. In this article, I want to introduce you to the monuments and places of interest of this fascinating city, so take the time to read and discover everything about the castle and the Bonaparte Museum.

Monuments and places of interest

Mombasiglio: Bonaparte Castle and Museum


One of the main and most important attractions of Mombasiglio is the castle, built around the year 1000. The panoramic and well-exposed location in which the castle stands makes the view breathtaking. Its history intertwines with that of the town that grew around it. It was a fiefdom of the lords of Carassone, and a document dated 18 August 1090 recalls a donation made by "''Bonifacius cum Ottone di Mombasilio vassallo suo''" to the abbey of Fruttuaria. Later, it became the possession of the extensive consortium of the Marquisate of Ceva, who in turn had to recognize themselves as vassals of the House of Savoy (1343), the Visconti (1351), and, after the donation of Asti and the Marches of Ceva by Gian Galeazzo Visconti to his daughter Valentina Visconti (1386), it belonged to her husband, Louis d'Orléans, and his descendants.

Mombasiglio was one of the "donzeni" into which the Marquisate of Ceva was divided, along with Bagnasco. Towards the end of the fifteenth century, it was confiscated under the accusation of treason to the marquises who owned it by the governor of Asti, Hector de Monténard. In 1503, Louis XII of France, King of France (and formerly Duke of Orléans), donated Mombasiglio and Bagnasco to Francesco Maria I Della Rovere, Duke of Urbino and nephew of Pope Julius II. Ten years later, the Duke sold the two territories to the Genoese Sebastiano Sauli, who passed them on in 1522 to another Genoese, Agostino Lomellini. Upon his death, they passed to his daughter Caterina, wife of Giorgio Spinola. He went to take possession of the fief, but was murdered in 1530 by some marquises of Ceva, who were heirs of the ancient owners, so the widow was forced to cede the rights to the castle of Mombasiglio and Bagnasco to Giovanni del Carretto, Marquis of Finale (1531). It remained united to the final march until 1583 when, after the death of Prince Alfonso II del Carretto, the fief was occupied by order of Duke Charles Emmanuel I of Savoy, while the feudal rights remained with the heirs of the Marquis of Finale. Upon the death of Sforza Andrea Del Carretto, the last Marquis of Finale (1602), Mombasiglio was sold by the Ducal Chamber to the Sandri-Trotti family of Fossano, who made various restorations to the manor, giving the building its partially preserved appearance today.

Since 2001, it has been owned by the Fondazione Castello di Mombasiglio, seat of the GAL Mongioie and the Bonaparte General Museum. In 1796, the Napoleonic armies, commanded by General Seurener, bivouacked at the castle, leaving their mark on the history of Mombasiglio Castle. Today, on the first floor of the castle, the Bonaparte Museum is located, which houses the largest collection of prints and original etchings by Giuseppe Pietro Bagetti on Napoleon Bonaparte's first campaign in Italy.

Bonaparte Museum

The Bonaparte Museum, on the first floor of the castle, houses the largest collection of prints and original etchings by Giuseppe Pietro Bagetti on Napoleon Bonaparte's first campaign in Italy. Giuseppe Bagetti presumably collaborated with the French army from 1796-97, although only in June 1800 was he appointed "''capitain ingénieur géographe artiste''" at the staff office. The exhibition, dedicated to the art and history of Napoleon Bonaparte's first victories, is a journey through art, history and the territory of Liguria and Piedmont.


In conclusion, the town of Mombasiglio is a place full of history and culture that is worth visiting. The castle and the Bonaparte Museum, which preserves the history of Napoleon Bonaparte's first victories, are two places of particular interest and beauty. Thank you for reading this article, and I hope to see you soon in Mombasiglio!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Saturday, Aug 27, 2022