
The province of Asti: a brief introduction

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about the province of Asti, one of the provinces in the Piedmont region of Italy. The province of Asti has a population of about 207,700 inhabitants and its capital is Asti. It borders the Metropolitan City of Turin to the northwest, the province of Alessandria to the east, Liguria (province of Savona) to the south (in particular in the municipality of Serole), and the province of Cuneo to the west.

The history of the province of Asti

The history of the province of Asti dates back to 1620 when the province was formed by 42 municipalities, most of which were not located in the current district. In 1622, the province expanded to include 87 municipalities within the current Alba area. During the French period, from 1797 to 1814, the province was part of the French Republic and later the Napoleonic Empire as part of the Marengo department with its capital in Alessandria.

After the fall of foreign domination and the restoration of the House of Savoy dynasty in 1814, the ancient Constitution was restored and Asti became a province aggregated to the administrative division of Alessandria. Until 1859, the province remained part of the general intendant of Casale, before returning to be aggregated to Alessandria.

In 1935, the province of Asti was re-established as an autonomous province with its capital in Asti and a district consisting of 105 municipalities. During the fascist period, some municipalities were aggregated to more significant municipal entities, but after liberation, between 1947 and 1949, the dignity of autonomous entity was recognized for a series of municipalities and the province was thus reconstituted with a new formation of 120 municipalities.

Asti: history and territory of the Piedmontese province.

The consequences of floods

The province of Asti suffered heavy damage from floods that occurred in 1948, 1968, and 1994, which also caused some victims.


I hope that this brief description of the province of Asti has been useful to you in understanding the history of this area of Piedmont. The province of Asti is one of the oldest provinces in Piedmont and has a history dating back to 1620. Despite the difficulties encountered due to floods, the province of Asti has continued to grow and develop, becoming one of the most fascinating places in Piedmont. Thank you for reading this brief overview of the province of Asti!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Monday, Nov 14, 2022