
Hello from Molvena: discovering a small Venetian hamlet

Hello everyone! Today I'll take you on a tour of Molvena, a delightful hamlet in the municipality of Colceresa, in the province of Vicenza, Veneto. Molvena is located at the foot of the Seven Municipalities Plateau, a wonderful hilly area characterized by fertile soil and mild climate, perfect for growing cherry trees, olive trees, vineyards and all kinds of fruits.

Physical geography

The beauty of Molvena lies first and foremost in its nature. The hilly strip of the village is truly suggestive and offers a spectacular panoramic view. On the horizon, you can admire the mountains, while along the streets of Molvena, amidst the fruit plantations, you can catch a glimpse of the bell tower of the church of Santa Maria Assunta, the characteristic cemetery and the children's playground.

Molvena: a medieval village between nature and history.

Origins of the name

The name "Molvena" has an uncertain origin and various hypotheses have been made about it. According to some sources, the name derives from Latin "Multae venae", referring to the many veins of water that once fed the springs of this area. According to another interpretation, the name could derive from "molarum vena", the quarry of millstone, which is very ancient and may have given rise to the first district.

However, the name of the village only appears in the twelfth century, while the name of the hamlet Mure, which means "stone wall" in Latin, indicates a system of protective walls that stood in the current site of the church or in its immediate vicinity.


Middle Ages

Molvena and Mure date back to the Middle Ages and at that time they appeared united as possessions of the noble family of Pedàola. The family also owned the castle of Peòla, in the locality of Pianezze, and that of Molvena, which according to some sources was also called "Peola".

The construction of the castle of Molvena could date to a period earlier than a thousand and could have developed in the place where the toponym Castellare now stands, in a high point and on the edge of the steep slope that, descending towards the west, leads to Valderio.

Mure, on the other hand, appears for the first time in the "Regestum Possessionum" of the city of Vicenza of the year 1262, listed separately from the cluster, or rural commune, of Molvena.

From autonomous municipality to merger with Mason Vicentino

In the past, Molvena was an autonomous municipality. However, in December 2018 a referendum was held that established the merger of the municipality of Molvena, including the hamlets of Mure and Villa, with the nearby municipality of Mason Vicentino. The merger came into effect on February 20, 2019, giving rise to a new entity.


If you are wondering what you can do in Molvena during a visit, I suggest taking a walk in the center of the village and admiring the villas and noble houses that you will find along the way. Also, you can visit the church of Santa Maria Assunta, located right in the center of Molvena, and be enchanted by the beauty of its bell tower.

As for local cuisine, you absolutely cannot miss the "baccalà alla vicentina", a typical dish of Venetian cuisine which consists of a kind of stewed cod with a polenta sauce. In addition, I recommend trying the wines of the region, such as Cabernet Franc and Merlot.


Molvena is a small Venetian hamlet that definitely deserves a visit. The beauty of the hilly landscape and its medieval history make it a romantic and suggestive place, perfect for a getaway from city stress. I recommend taking your walking shoes and discovering all the places where nature and history meet.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Wednesday, Jan 4, 2023