
A brief introduction to Moliterno

Hello everyone, today we are talking about Moliterno, an Italian commune located in the province of Potenza, in Basilicata. Moliterno has a population of 3612 inhabitants and was the city that developed after the invasion of the Saracens which destroyed Grumentum between 872 and 975.

The history of Moliterno

As we just said, the city was founded after the destruction of Grumentum by the Saracens. The Longobards were the first foreign people to come to Moliterno. Subsequently, the city passed under the dominations of the Normans, the Swabians, the Angevins and the Barons Brajda before becoming part of the fiefdom of Moliterno ceded to the Antonio Sanseverino Princes of Salerno. In 1928 the municipality of Sarconi was aggregated to Moliterno, which regained autonomy in 1944.

Discover the history and treasures of Moliterno.

The physical geography of Moliterno

Moliterno is located at an altitude of 879 m.a.s.l. and is surrounded by natural beauties, such as the natural beech forest, just 5 km from the village. The territory has a minimum altitude of 588 meters a.s.l. and a maximum of 1518, which is located on the border with the municipalities of Lagonegro and Lauria.

Monuments and places of interest in Moliterno

The city of Moliterno is rich in monuments and places of interest. Among the religious architectures, we find the Mother of Santa Maria Assunta, the Church of the Rosary, the Church of the Most Holy Trinity, the Church of Santa Croce, the Church of San Francesco di Paola and the Church of the Annunciation. Moliterno also has many chapels, such as Madonna del Carmine, Santa Barbara Church, San Rocco Church, Chapel of the Angel, San Biagio Church, Santa Lucia Chapel and San Caterina Vergine Chapel. There are also many rural chapels and churches such as the Madonna d'Arsieni Church. Moliterno also hosts several museums such as the MAM Aiello Moliterno Museums, the MAM Landscape Museum, the MAM Museum of Contemporary Art, the MAM Michele Tedesco and Lucano Eighteenth Century Museum, the MAM Angela Aiello Lucana Library, the MAM Ceramics Museum and the MAM Twentieth Century Lucano Museum.

The society of Moliterno

When it comes to society, Moliterno has had a continuously increasing demographic evolution.

The culture of Moliterno

Moliterno was chosen as the location for the 1999 film Terra Bruciata directed by Fabio Segatori.

Infrastructure and transport in Moliterno

Moliterno is well connected to the state and provincial roads of Potenza.

The administration of Moliterno

The administration of Moliterno is committed to ensuring the well-being of all its citizens.


Moliterno is an Italian commune that has a fascinating history and an enchanting geographical position. The city has many monuments and places of interest and there are many cultural and social activities available to citizens. :)

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Thursday, Apr 14, 2022