San Pietro Capofiume

San Pietro Capofiume Meteorological Station

The San Pietro Capofiume Meteorological Station is an important reference point for the World Meteorological Organization and for northeastern Italy. Managed by the Regional Agencies for Environmental Protection of Emilia-Romagna, it is located in the metropolitan city of Bologna, in the municipality of Molinella, in the town of San Pietro Capofiume.


The meteorological station was originally managed by ERSA and was manned between 1985 and 1999, with a subsequent replacement with a DCP automatic station. Currently, it is managed by the Hydrometeorological Service of ARPA Emilia-Romagna and collects data such as temperature, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, wind direction and speed. In addition, it is one of the eight Italian stations where observations at high altitudes are made thanks to radiosondes, with at least two launches per day of a sounding balloon scheduled at 0 and 12 UTC.

The San Pietro Capofiume weather station: climatic monitoring in the northeast.

Official Climate Averages

Based on the average calculated by ARPA Emilia-Romagna for the period between 1991 and 2005, the average temperature of the coldest month, January, is around +2.4°C, while that of the warmest month, August, is about +23.8°C. On average, 77.1 frost days and 1.7 icy days are recorded throughout the year. In the same period, the average annual rainfall is 611.2mm, with a minimum in February and a peak in October.

Extreme Values

The San Pietro Capofiume meteorological station has recorded extreme temperatures in different months of the year. In January 1985, the temperature dropped to -24.8°C, while in August 2017, the absolute maximum temperature of +39.7°C was recorded.


The San Pietro Capofiume Meteorological Station is an important resource for monitoring and collecting meteorological data in northeastern Italy. Thanks to its geographical location, it provides detailed information on the climate conditions in the area.

See also

Molinella, Province of Bologna, Meteorological station, Italian climate.

External links

The San Pietro Capofiume Meteorological Station is managed by the Regional Agencies for Environmental Protection of Emilia-Romagna and is available on the ARPA Emilia-Romagna website to monitor the weather conditions in the area.

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Sunday, Apr 3, 2022