
Welcome to San Giorgio La Molara!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about San Giorgio La Molara, a peaceful Italian municipality located in the province of Benevento, in Campania. With its 2772 inhabitants, this charming city is situated between the Tammaro river and its tributaries Tamaricchio and Drago, at the foot of a hill from which you can admire a lovely panoramic view.

Physical Geography

The agricultural zone in this place reaches an area of ​​4748.05 hectares, dating back to the year 2000. The territory extends inland to the Ginestra stream in the upper Miscano valley.

Discover San Giorgio La Molara: history, monuments, territory, and population.


The territory was inhabited by the Samnites in pre-Roman times, but it is not certain which of the tribes (Pentri or Hirpini) lived in the area. However, scholars believe it is likely that the Hirpini were the first to settle here, since the present-day San Giorgio is located east of the Tammaro river, which was most likely the border between the two tribes.

In 1543, the fiefdom of San Giorgio passed into the hands of the Carafa family of the princes of Stigliano, who ruled it until 1569. Subsequently, the territory passed to the families of Coscia, Caracciolo and Cardinal Fabrizio Ruffo, until the end of feudalism in 1806.

In 1626, the possession of San Giorgio was elevated to the title of a duchy belonging to Giovanni Caracciolo. During the 19th century, the municipality was also the district seat within the Ariano district.

Monuments and places of interest

The Castle of Pietramaggiore, located near San Giorgio, was a fortified place since 1137. Although the earthquake of 1456 caused considerable damage to the castle, to the point that it became a hamlet and then an uninhabited fiefdom, the rock on which it stood is still visible in the surrounding hilly area.


The population of San Giorgio has steadily increased in recent years. From 1861 to 2018, the population of the municipality grew from 4078 to 2772 inhabitants.

Anthropogenic Geography

The municipality is divided into several districts, including Pianella, Chiaia, Basaleone, Calise, Taverna, Campolongo, Cerracchio, Favali, Gelso, Perazzeta, Crocelle, Romiti, Noce Verde, San Lazzaro, San Pietro, Sant'Andrea, Cisterna, Centrale, and Santa Cristina.


San Giorgio is famous for the production of Protected Geographical Indication (IGP) meat from Marchigiana cattle raised on its surface.

With this brief overview of San Giorgio La Molara, I hope I have intrigued you enough to visit this beautiful municipality. You won't be disappointed!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Sunday, Sep 11, 2022