Moio Alcantara

Discovering Mojo Alcantara

Hello friends! Today I'm taking you to discover Mojo Alcantara, a town located in the metropolitan city of Messina in Sicily. With a population of about 1,200 inhabitants, this small town offers a spectacular view of the Alcantara Valley and is located at the foot of Mount Mojo and the slopes of Mount Etna, near the Alcantara River that flows into the Ionian Sea at Taormina.

Physical geography

The territory of Mojo Alcantara is surrounded by typical Mediterranean vegetation. The cultivated fields produce olives, vineyards, and vegetables, but the main economic activity of the town is peach cultivation in the Mojo Plain, where water is abundant.

Mojo Alcantara: Treasures in the Alcantara Valley


The town of Mojo Alcantara has an interesting history. It was founded in 1602 by Palmerio Lanza, who obtained the "licentia populandi" from the royal authorities. The descendants of the Lanza family still own land in the Mojo Plain, and their baronial palace is located near the city hall. In 1928, the fascist regime merged Mojo Alcantara with the neighboring town of Malvagna, reuniting them both under the name of Lanza. In 1947, the two towns were separated again as independent municipalities.


As I mentioned earlier, peach cultivation is the main economic activity of the town. Every year, in mid-August, the "Sagra delle pesche" is celebrated, where visitors can taste peaches in various recipes, from wine to jam. In addition, the "Fiera di Mojo" attracts visitors from all over Sicily and Calabria, where one can purchase tools that are difficult to find elsewhere.


Mojo Alcantara has several festivals and events worth visiting. In addition to the "Sagra delle pesche" and the "Fiera di Mojo", the town celebrates Saint Joseph the Worker, the patron saint, every second Sunday of May. Additionally, every year, the inhabitants of the town pay homage to the Holy Cross during a festival that takes place in the last week of September.


The town of Mojo Alcantara has a strong religious tradition. The wooden crucifix carved by friar Umile da Petralia during the Holy Cross festival represents an important moment for pilgrims who come to the town. Furthermore, the Saint Joseph the Worker festival is an opportunity to celebrate the community and local culture.


Finally, here's a table listing the mayors who have succeeded in Mojo Alcantara over the years.

I hope I've piqued your curiosity enough to sign up for a future visit to Mojo Alcantara!

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Thursday, Jan 27, 2022