
Discovering Luzzano, a hamlet in Moiano

Hi everyone! Today I'm taking you on a journey to discover Luzzano, a small and charming hamlet in the municipality of Moiano, located in the province of Benevento, in the heart of Campania.


Luzzano has a unique history that sets it apart from the rest of Moiano. In fact, the dialect spoken by its inhabitants is quite distinct and easily recognizable. Before becoming part of Moiano, Luzzano was one of the hamlets of Airola.

Luzzano: a small hamlet in the Campania region of Moiano.



Like many other places in Campania, Luzzano has many religious traditions that are celebrated annually with festivals and processions. In August, for example, the town celebrates Saint Anthony of Padua, the patron saint of lost things. In December, there is the traditional distribution of the calendar. Furthermore, every June 13th, Saint Anthony's bread is distributed, and between July and August, there's the Panuozzo festival, which features a sandwich filled with local cured meats and cheeses.

Infrastructure and transport


To reach Luzzano, one can take the Provincial Road 131 Via San Vito or the Provincial Road 132 Via San Giacomo-delle Monache.

Urban mobility

For travel to neighboring towns such as Airola, Moiano, and Sant'Agata de' Goti, the services of Autoservizi Irpini (AIR) agency can be used.


Since 1869, Luzzano has been a hamlet of the municipality of Moiano and shares its entire administration.

Would you like to visit this small Campanian hamlet? Don't hesitate to embark on a journey!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Saturday, Feb 5, 2022