
Welcome to Mistretta!

Hello everyone! Are you ready to discover Mistretta, a beautiful municipality in the metropolitan city of Messina in Sicily? With its stunning mountain forests that hide all kinds of game and breathtaking views of the sea, Mistretta knows how to win over the hearts of its visitors. In this short article, I will guide you through the discovery of this wonderful Sicilian city.

Physical geography: between mountains and sea

Mistretta is situated between 850 and 1100 meters above sea level, in the wooded Nebrodi mountains. The city is famous for its unique "saddle" shape, which offers a spectacular scenery with the sea and the Aeolian Islands in the background. In just 15 minutes, you can reach the coast thanks to State Road 117, creating an evocative combination of mountain and sea. During the winter, the town is covered in snow creating an even more enchanting landscape.

Mistretta: between mountains, sea and tradition.

History: from prehistory to ancient times

The origins of Mistretta are not yet clear, but studies show the presence of inhabitants as early as the prehistoric age. Greek materials appear from the 6th century BC, a period in which the area began to be used as a passageway for the Calcides moving between Zancle, Caronia, and Himera. In the 3rd century BC, the ancient city located where Mistretta is now, part of the group of "civitates decumanae" under the name Amestratos, minted coins, had some development, and probably its name can be identified in line 113 of the list of Delfi's theorodokoi.

Tourist attractions: what to see in Mistretta

In Mistretta, historical and natural monuments blend together to create a unique experience for visitors. One of the most beautiful places is undoubtedly the Mother Church of Santa Maria Assunta, located in the heart of the historic center. The church, built at the end of the 15th century, is characterized by a Serene stone portal decorated with garlands of fruit and leaves.

Among the other places to visit is the Norman Castle that dominates the town from above, dating back to the 12th century. Inside, it is possible to visit an exhibition of ceramics and statuettes from the area. The Ortolani Civic Museum, on the other hand, offers a collection of ancient and artistic objects.

For nature lovers, the Nebrodi mountains offer various possibilities for excursions and wildlife sighting such as wild boars, foxes, eagles, and hawks.

Events and traditions: the Carnival of Mistretta

The Carnival of Mistretta is one of the most characteristic in Sicily. During the Carnival period, the town turns into an explosion of colors and traditional music. In particular, the figure of Jocu is the symbol of the Carnival of Mistretta. Jocu is an anthropomorphic wooden mask, with a colorful dress and a pointed hat. This figure, inspired by the "Giant of Motta", moves rhythmically through the streets of the historic center accompanied by musicians and dancers.

Cuisine: the flavors of tradition

The cuisine of Mistretta, like that of Sicily in general, is characterized by intense flavors and high-quality ingredients. Among the typical dishes, it is possible to taste pork sausage, porcini mushrooms, fresh ricotta cheese, and Sicilian cannoli. Homemade fresh pasta, seasoned with tomato sauce and basil, cannot be missed on your table. Don't forget to try the excellent local wine, "Nebrodi Rosso".

Conclusion: Mistretta, a Sicilian gem

Mistretta is undoubtedly one of the hidden treasures of Sicily, a perfect place for those who seek nature and tradition. With its breathtaking views of the sea, its historical monuments, and its delicious cuisine, Mistretta is a must-see for those visiting Sicily. I recommend booking your trip and setting off to discover this beautiful Sicilian city. Bon voyage!

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Thursday, Feb 17, 2022