
Mirto: a small Sicilian town

Mirto is a small town in the metropolitan city of Messina in Sicily. It is part of the "quattru paisi di li funci" together with Frazzanò, Longi, and Galati Mamertino. Despite its small size, the town offers some tourist attractions, including religious monuments and historic buildings.

Myrtle, religious treasures, and historical architecture in Sicily.

Tourist attractions

Religious monuments

The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Cielo is a church rebuilt from a Norman era place of worship. The Church and Convent of the Capuchin Friars Minor, dating back to 1844, are another religious attraction of the town. The Church of Madonna del Rosario and the Convent of the Order of Friar Preachers of San Domenico were founded in 1518 and were once known as the Church of San Sebastiano. Other places of worship include the Church of Santa Maria del Gesù, the Church of Sant'Alfio, Cirino e Filadelfio, the Church of San Nicola, the Church of Immacolata, and the Church of Loreto from the 16th century.

Civil architecture

The Palazzo Cupane is a historic building that houses the Costume and Fashion Museum. A perfect place for fashion and history enthusiasts.

Demography and administration

Demographic evolution

The town of Mirto has experienced a demographic change in recent years, going from a population of about 1,500 inhabitants to about 900. This is due to young people fleeing to larger cities and a decrease in birthrate.


Below is a table with the administrations that have succeeded in this town. The town of Mirto is part of agricultural region no. 8 (Coastal hills of Patti).



The main football team in the town is the Polisportiva Dilettantistica Mirto, which plays in the Sicilian Barcellona P.G. Committee in the Third Category.


Mirto is a town that offers many tourist attractions, especially religious monuments and civil architecture. If you are passionate about fashion and history, do not miss the Costume and Fashion Museum. Despite the decrease in population, the town continues to maintain its tradition and history. If you are a football enthusiast, the Polisportiva Dilettantistica Mirto is the team to follow!

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Sunday, Nov 20, 2022