
Welcome to Mirabello!

Hello everyone! Today I'll be talking about Mirabello, a small hamlet located in the province of Ferrara, in Emilia-Romagna. With a population of about 3,300 inhabitants, Mirabello has a very interesting history and a unique cultural and artistic heritage. Come and discover more about this little corner of paradise!


The origins of Mirabello date back to the 11th and 12th centuries, when Countess Matilde di Canossa and the Monks of Nonantola extended their authority over the territories between Cento and Ferrara, promoting the development of productive agricultural economy and initiating a process of land reclamation. Over time, the area was dominated by the waters of the Reno river, which, flowing between straight embankments, deposited its sediments on the land, raising the bottom of the ancient valleys and giving these lands particular characteristics. The area soon became an important meeting point for the residents of Bologna, Ferrara, and Comacchio, with a wide network of roads that allowed communication between the local nobility.

Land properties were acquired by the aristocracy, who aligned them along the river, on either side. In the 18th century, the Ruini family's lands were bought by Cardinal Pompeo Aldrovandi, while some properties on the left side of the river, belonging to the Prosperi family, became the settlement of Mirabello. Today, the main artery of Mirabello follows the riverbed of the Reno River, while the Prosperi family's lands correspond almost exactly to the old town center. In 1840, Mirabello became a parish and in 1959 became an autonomous municipality, separating from Sant'Agostino.

Mirabello: History, Symbols and Merger with Sant'Agostino in Emilia-Romagna.

Symbols of Mirabello

The coat of arms and banner of Mirabello were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on May 13, 1971. According to tradition, the name of the town originated from the exclamation ''"Mira quanto è bello"'' ("Look how beautiful it is"), uttered by Countess Matilde di Canossa while walking along a tree-lined avenue of poplars, leading to the locality of Casumaro.

Merger with Sant'Agostino

After initiating the merger procedure with the municipality of Sant'Agostino, on October 17, 2016, the population involved approved the project with a referendum, concluding with 1,654 yeses, against 1,254 noes. The operation was approved by the population involved following the consultative referendum.


Did you know that Mirabello was hit by the earthquakes of Emilia in 2012, which caused various damages and collapses, including that of the church of San Paolo? Fortunately, thanks to the tenacity of the inhabitants, the town managed to recover and continue its history and traditions.


In summary, Mirabello is a small gem in the province of Ferrara that deserves to be visited for its history and cultural and artistic heritage. Don't miss the chance to discover this charming town!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Jan 3, 2023