Mirabella Imbaccari

Welcome to Mirabella Imbaccari

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk to you about Mirabella Imbaccari, a Sicilian municipality located in the metropolitan city of Catania with a population of approximately 4,238 inhabitants.

Origins of the name

The name Mirabella comes from the founder of the municipality, Giuseppe Paternò, who named it in honor of his wife, Eleonora Mirabella. The second name, Imbàccari, has a more obscure origin. According to some hypotheses, it may be related to the Sicilian city of Imachara, mentioned by Marcus Tullius Cicero and other ancient authors. However, there is no certainty on this aspect and there are other possible reference locations. In the local dialect, the municipality is known as "Mirabbeḍḍa" or "[i] Màcari", while the inhabitants are called "macarisi".

Mirabella Imbaccari: history, traditions and culture of the Sicilian town.


From the origins to the Lombard revolt

The Imbaccari fief was part of the vast territory of Manzil Khalīl or Malgâ Halīl or Abū Halīl during the Arab period. The hamlet of Ambakarih (829) or Imakarah (834) was one of the fifteen hamlets that were part of the most important village of Iblātasah. After the war against the Muslims, the fief was granted to Lombard fighters of Sicily, but the population remained mainly Arab. In 1160, there was a revolt against the permissive policy of William I the Bad towards the Arabs and the Byzantines who still lived in those territories. Tancredi d'Altavilla and Ruggero Sclavo rebelled against William I and were helped by the inhabitants of the Lombard hamlets of Rambaldo, Rossomanno, Ciappa, Polino, Eliano, and Comicino to assault and massacre the Saracens who still lived in the hamlets of Iblātasah and Imbaccari.

Traditions and culture

Mirabella Imbaccari is a town rich in traditions and ancient customs that date back to the times of the Arabs and the Normans. Throughout the year, numerous events take place, such as the feast of Saint Anthony Abbot, celebrated on January 17th, and the feast of the Madonna della Neve, held on August 5th. Furthermore, the macarisi are known for their particular cuisine, which uses many local products, such as the black pig of Nebrodi.

What to see

Mirabella Imbaccari offers many places of tourist interest. One of the most important is the Castle of Mirabella, an ancient Norman fortress from the twelfth century that offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the Dittaino river valley. Additionally, there is the Mother Church of Saint John the Baptist, which dates back to the twelfth century and features Norman-style architecture. Finally, for archaeology enthusiasts, there is the archaeological area of Iblātasah, which hosts the Roman Villa del Casale, whose mosaic featuring the famous "bikini girl" is known worldwide.


The economy of Mirabella Imbaccari is primarily based on agriculture and livestock farming. Among the typical products are ricotta and sheep cheese, prickly pear jam, and olive oil. Additionally, there are some artisanal activities producing traditional ceramics and textiles.


In conclusion, Mirabella Imbaccari is a municipality that absolutely deserves a visit to discover its history, traditions, culture, and breathtaking landscapes. If you're looking for authenticity and places off the beaten tourist path, this is the right place for you. Come and visit Mirabella Imbaccari and enjoy all the beauty that this Sicilian town has to offer!

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Friday, Sep 23, 2022