
Welcome to Anson: a description of the location

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Anson, a small village of about 150 inhabitants in the municipality of Minerbe, located in the province of Verona. The main characteristic of Anson is the wide meander of the Adige river that has been in the area since ancient times. This makes Anson a unique and fascinating place to visit if you are in the surrounding area!

Anson is about 3.2 km from the capital of the Bassa and here a district fair is held every year. This event is very important for the inhabitants of Anson and always attracts many people from outside. If you are a lover of fairs and local culinary specialties, you should definitely not miss this festival!

What to see in Anson: the Church of the Nativity of Mary

The most important monument in Anson is certainly the Church of the Nativity of Mary, located in the small center of the village. This sacred building is very suggestive and worth visiting if you are passionate about art and architecture. The church dates back to the 17th century and was built in Romanesque-Gothic style.

Anson, the pearl on the Adige river: what to see and do.

Other useful information

If you decide to visit Anson, you can also take the opportunity to tour the surroundings and discover other interesting locations in the area, such as Minerbe, San Zenone, and Santo Stefano. These locations are just a few kilometers away from Anson and are easily reachable by car or bicycle.

Also, remember that Anson is a fraction of Minerbe, so if you need information or assistance, you can refer to the Municipality of Minerbe, which is nearby.


In summary, Anson is a lovely and picturesque location that deserves to be visited if you are in the Minerbe area. Its Church of the Nativity of Mary is a real gem to discover, and the district fair is an event not to be missed. I hope this brief guide has been useful in getting to know Anson better and has given you some ideas for planning your trip to this part of Italy. Have fun!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022