Militello Rosmarino

Welcome to Militello Rosmarino: let's discover its history and origins together!

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Militello Rosmarino, a town of 1165 inhabitants located in the metropolitan city of Messina in Sicily. But why is it called like that? Let's discover together the origins of the name and its history!

Origins of the name

According to Vito Amico's Topographical Dictionary of Sicily, there are two possible etymological explanations for the name "Militello". The first refers to the strong and warlike character of the inhabitants. The second, instead, is linked to Greek mythology and the Greek city of Miletus. Over the centuries, the name of this city has been modified, going from Miletum to Mileto and finally to Militello.

Militello Rosmarino: history and origins of an ancient municipality in Sicily.


The history of Militello Rosmarino is both ancient and fascinating. Like many towns in Sicily, in Militello Rosmarino you can still breathe the air of the past. The territory has been inhabited since the Upper Paleolithic period, when the first settlements developed, such as S. Teodoro and Scordoni, dating back to the period of the middle Bronze Age, around 1400-1300 BC.


The territory of Militello Rosmarino has witnessed the presence of human settlements since the earliest centuries of human life. Traces of human settlements dating back to prehistoric times have been found in the area of S. Teodoro and Scordoni that date back to the Upper Paleolithic. Later, from the 3rd century BC to the 5th century BC, other villages developed such as those in Monte Scurzi and Priola.

Classical Antiquity

After prehistory, Militello Rosmarino went through a great period of development during Classical Antiquity. The territory was conquered by the Greeks who colonized it, but also suffered the Punic Wars. Later, the territory passed under the dominion of the Romans, whose memories can still be found today, thanks to the presence of numerous archaeological remains.

Early Middle Ages

In the period of the Early Middle Ages, Militello Rosmarino was affected by military and economic events related to its proximity to the coast and the main coastal route, so much so that there was a gradual aggregation in internal hamlets and the affirmation of the Greek-Byzantine element.

Norman Period

The Norman conquest of Sicily, from the first raids to the definitive subjugation, lasted about thirty years from 1060 to 1091. In this period, Militello Rosmarino underwent various dominations, until it was assigned to the Diocese of Troina.


In conclusion, Militello Rosmarino is a locality with an ancient past and fascinating origins. Its history was influenced by the events of Classical Antiquity, the Early Middle Ages, and the Norman period, which still reflects in its culture and traditions today. Visiting it means taking a dip into the past and discovering the history of a territory that is unique in its kind!

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Thursday, Mar 10, 2022