
A Charming and Mountainous Town

Hello friends, today I will talk to you about Micigliano, an Italian town in the province of Rieti, located in the Lazio region. This gem of a city is the 53rd least populous municipality in Italy, with only 115 inhabitants. But don't be discouraged by its small population because Micigliano is a charming destination for trekking and mountain enthusiasts.

A Rich Territory of Nature

Micigliano is located on the eastern slope of the Monte Terminillo massif, along the slopes of Monte Valloni and Monte Elefante. The city is located at a rather high altitude, with the lowest point reaching 925 m above sea level and the highest point reaching 1005 m above sea level. Micigliano dominates the underlying Gole del Velino and is part of the western ski resort of Terminillo, together with the hamlets of Campoforogna, Pian de Valli and Rialto Terminillo. The territory of Micigliano is a natural paradise; if you are lucky, you can enjoy snow-covered alpine landscapes during the winter.

Micigliano: Natural Beauty of the Lazio Mountains

Cold Winter and Hot Summer Climate

The climate of Micigliano is very different from the coastal tourist destinations of Italy; cold and pleasant in winter and hot in summer. You can expect winter temperatures between -5 and 10 degrees Celsius, while summer temperatures hover around 25-30 degrees. During the summer, you may experience temperatures of 35 degrees, but in general both the minimum and maximum temperatures are quite moderate around 10 and 30 degrees.

A Bit of History

Micigliano has been inhabited since ancient times, as evidenced by the archaeological remains found in the area. However, the municipality is mentioned for the first time in a historical document from the 10th century, which reveals that in 943 the Farfa Abbey acquired land in the area of Micigliano. The municipality was part of the province of L'Aquila, in Abruzzo, until 1927, and from 1233 to 1861 it was an integral part of the Giustizierato d'Abruzzo and the province Abruzzo Ultra II, in the district of Cittaducale, with L'Aquila as its capital.

A Curious Tourist Must Not Miss

  1. Benedictine Abbey of Saints Quirico and Giulitta from the 10th century.
  2. A carrareccia made on an ancient mule track with a spectacular view of the area.
  3. The underlying Gole del Velino.
  4. The Monte Terminillo massif.
  5. The western ski resort of Terminillo.

Micigliano, despite its small population, is a surprising tourist destination for nature lovers and trekking enthusiasts. With its millennial abbey and the Monte Terminillo massif, Micigliano's geographical position also offers a spectacular view of the surrounding area. If you decide to visit Micigliano, do not miss the opportunity to walk the carrareccia and enjoy the panoramic view of the mountains.

See you soon, friends!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Monday, Apr 11, 2022