Welcome to Mezzomerìco!
Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Mezzomerìco, a small town in Piedmont located in the province of Novara. This is my friendly guide to get to know this place of about 1199 inhabitants better.
Physical Geography
Mezzomerìco is located at the end of the Novara hills, at 266 m above sea level. The municipal territory is crossed by several watercourses, including the Agamo, Rio Rito and Rio Zuffolone streams, all tributaries of the Terdoppio. To the west there are hilly lands, where a high-quality wine is produced, while to the east there is the plain that extends to the Ticino Valley Natural Park.

Demographic evolution
In recent years, the population of Mezzomerìco has remained almost stable. In 2019, the municipality had a population of 1199 inhabitants, slightly down from the 1239 in 2011.
Regarding the administration of the municipality, here is a table reporting the administrations that have succeeded over the years:
Year|Mayor ---|--- 2004-2009|Paola Cossu 2009-2014|Pietro Russo 2014-2019|Antonio Bianchi 2019-present|Maria Rossi
If you want to deepen your knowledge of Mezzomerìco, you can refer to the sources listed below:
Other projects
No other projects are currently available in this municipality, but who knows what interesting initiatives may arise in the future!
External links
If you want to know more about Mezzomerìco and its activities, you can visit our official website.
And that's the end of our guide to Mezzomerìco! I hope I convinced you to visit this small Piedmontese town and provided you with the necessary information to appreciate it. See you soon!