

There is a great variety of wildlife in Mezzojuso, including wild boar, foxes, badgers, martens and various species of birds, including the royal owl and the golden eagle.


Mezzojuso was founded in the 15th century by a group of Albanians, also known as "Arbëreshë". They came to the aid of King Alfonso V of Aragon against the rebellions in Calabria and the Angevin threat to the thrones of Naples and Sicily. In the following century, many other Albanians joined Mezzojuso to escape the Ottoman Empire.

This created a strong Albanian cultural influence that can still be seen in the city today, even though many people have lost their Albanian language and identity.

During the Bourbon era, Mezzojuso was the seat of revolutionaries who sought to expel the Bourbons from the island. Garibaldi and the Mille, important figures in Italian history, stopped in Mezzojuso during their campaign for the unification of the nation.

Mezzojuso: History, Culture and Nature in the Mountains.

Culture and Tradition

The cultural and linguistic diversity of Mezzojuso is reflected in its architecture, literature and religious events. There are many works of art and monuments celebrating the history and Albanian culture of the city.

The population is divided between those of Sicilian origin (called "Latins" in Albanian) and those of Albanian origin (called "Greeks" because they follow the Byzantine rite).

The Carnival "Mastro di Campo" is a traditional festival celebrated every year in Mezzojuso. During the festival, historical dramas and local legends are represented. It is an opportunity for the city's inhabitants to come together and celebrate their culture.


The economy of Mezzojuso is mainly based on tourism, like many other cities in Sicily. The city is in an ideal position for excursions and walks in nature, thanks to its beautiful natural landscapes.

Moreover, agriculture and pastoralism are important activities for the local population. The region produces high-quality chestnuts, wine and olive oil.

Language and Linguistic Minorities

The official language of Mezzojuso is Italian. However, due to its strong Albanian history and culture, the municipality has the right to use Albanian for official documents and road signs.

Italian laws protect linguistic minorities, such as the Albanian one. This means that Mezzojuso and similar cities have the right to preserve their original culture and language.


Mezzojuso is an interesting and unique city in Sicily. Its strong Albanian history and cultural diversity make it a special place to visit and live.

The town is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes that make hiking and walking a great tourist attraction. Moreover, agriculture and pastoralism are important activities for the local economy, and the Carnival "Mastro di Campo" offers an opportunity to celebrate local culture and traditions.

Finally, Mezzojuso is an example of how a community can preserve its cultural and linguistic identity while living in a larger and more diverse nation. Thanks to Italian laws protecting linguistic minorities, Mezzojuso can continue to thrive as a multicultural and vibrant city.

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Saturday, May 7, 2022