
Discovering Mezzocorona: a gem in the province of Trento

Hello everyone! Today I'll be talking about Mezzocorona, a small municipality of about 5500 inhabitants in the province of Trento.

Origins of the name

The city has an ancient origin and its name has undergone several transformations over the centuries. The first time the name appears in a document dates back to 1174, where it is mentioned as "Metze". Over time, the name changed to "corona de Metzo", "corona de Mez" and so on, until it reached the current "Mezzocorona". The name of the city refers to its geographic position: "Mezzo" derives from the Latin "medium" and refers to the Rotaliana Plain, while "Corona" is the name of the castle now known as Castel San Gottardo.

Mezzocorona: between history, legends, and good food


Mezzocorona has a very interesting history. In the past, in the vast plain in front of the city, the so-called "Campo Rotaliano", in 584 the columns of the Franks and the Lombards clashed. The Franks emerged victorious, managing to defeat the Lombards and depriving them of their loot. Since then, the city has undergone various ups and downs, passing from the dominion of the Episcopal Principality of Trento to that of the Counts of Tyrol. In 1902, the requested name change from the then Mezzotedesco to Mezocorona was allowed. Its current name dates back only to 1924.

The legend of Brusacristi

The inhabitants of Mezzocorona are known as "Brusacristi" due to a legend that dates back to the times when the city was still "Mezzotedesco". The residents of Mezzolombardo, with whom Mezzocorona has always had a historic rivalry, tried to take possession of the lands cultivated by the "Mezzotedeschi", defining them as their own. In response, the inhabitants of Mezzocorona burned a cross placed by the inhabitants of Mezzolombardo to mark the boundaries of the lands. Since then, the residents of Mezzocorona have been defined as "Brusacristi".

Monuments and places of interest

Religious architecture

Mezzocorona is a city full of monuments and places of interest. One of the main monuments in the city is the church of Santa Maria Assunta, the parish church. The building dates back to the 18th century and has been rebuilt in a neoclassical style. The church is located in an enviable position, on the hill overlooking the city, and offers a breathtaking view of the Rotaliana Plain.

Castel Firmiano

Another important tourist attraction is Castel Firmiano, located just 10 kilometers from Mezzocorona. The castle was once the residence of the prince-bishops of Trento and is now home to the provincial Museum of History and Art.

Cantina Rotari

In Mezzocorona, you can also visit Cantina Rotari, famous for its excellent wines. The winery was founded in 1855 and has undergone renovations in recent years, becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination.

What to eat in Mezzocorona

A visit to Mezzocorona would not be complete without tasting the local cuisine and its traditional dishes. The city is particularly known for the production of apple strudel, one of the most famous desserts in the region. You can enjoy the best products of the area in the restaurants and bars of the historic center.


In conclusion, Mezzocorona is a picturesque city full of history, located in an enviable geographic position. The city offers countless tourist attractions, and its fascinating history makes it an ideal destination for anyone looking for an authentic experience in the heart of the Italian Alps. If you haven't already, you absolutely must visit Mezzocorona.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Saturday, Apr 23, 2022