
Mezzana: a small municipality in the heart of Val di Sole

Hello friends, today I'll be talking about Mezzana, a municipality in Trentino with 885 inhabitants located in the autonomous province of Trento in Trentino-Alto Adige.

Physical Geography

Mezzana is located in Val di Sole, along the banks of the Noce river and owes its name to its central position in the valley. It is situated on the south side of Val di Sole, facing the ski center of Marilleva, which was founded in the late 60s. In the territory of Mezzana, there are the lakes of Malghetto, which are one of the main tourist attractions of the area. The development of the ski center had a significant effect on the economy of the area, leading to significant socio-economic changes and also to the appearance of the town.

Mezzana: Treasures of Art, Nature and Sports in Val di Sole


The history of Mezzana dates back to ancient times. The first news of its existence dates back to the 13th century, when the area was ruled by the lords of Sporck. Over the centuries, Mezzana has undergone numerous changes and transformations, becoming one of the most important tourist destinations in Val di Sole.

Monuments and places of interest

Despite being a small municipality, Mezzana offers a wide range of tourist attractions, including several churches and monuments. Among the most important religious architectures are the Church of Saints Peter and Paul, which is the parish church of the municipality, and the Church of Madonna di Caravaggio, which is located next to the parish church. Another important church is the one of San Romedio Eremita, built in the fraction of Roncio in 1591. Finally, there is the Church of San Cristoforo, in the fraction of Ortisé.


The population of Mezzana has been steadily increasing in recent decades, from about 600 inhabitants in the 60s to almost 900 today. The municipality is part of the Val di Sole Community and has its own administration, led by the mayor and the municipal council.


Mezzana is one of the most popular winter sports destinations in Trentino-Alto Adige. In 1993, it hosted the World Championships of Canoe/Kayak Slalom, while in 2010, the European Rafting Championships were held there. In 2021, on the other hand, the municipality hosted the summer retreat of the football club SPAL.


There you have it, friends. I hope you enjoyed this brief description of Mezzana and that it has intrigued you enough to visit this beautiful municipality when you are in Trentino-Alto Adige. With its churches, monuments, and winter sports, Mezzana will win you over with its beauty and unique charm. Until next time!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Saturday, Jul 2, 2022