
Mezzanego: A Ligurian Municipality Immersed in Nature

Mezzanego is an Italian municipality with a population of 1489 and is located in the Sturla Valley near the eponymous stream to the east of Genoa in the Liguria region. The municipal headquarters are located in the Prati di Mezzanego district.

The municipality's territory lies within the boundaries of the Aveto Regional Nature Park and includes numerous peaks, including the Cian, Bocco, Pinello, Camilla, and Breccalupo mountains. The municipality also boasts lower peaks such as Carmona, Carnella, dei Preti, Stuggiassi, Castello, and Pietra Bruciata. At the administrative border between Borzonasca and Mezzanego, near the northern slopes of Mount Zatta, there is a vast beech forest of ancient specimens.

The History of Mezzanego

The toponym of the Municipality of Mezzanego dates back to ancient times and seems to be related to the geographical position of the town, located between two roads. The territory of Mezzanego became subject to the Borzone abbey, which depended on it with all the parishes, churches, and their land holdings until 1536.

The village was a fief of the Fieschi family and was endowed with a castle in the eleventh century. In 1145, the Republic of Genoa, in conflict with the Fieschi family, destroyed the two castles in the town and killed Ansaldo Fieschi. After being conquered by the Genoese Republic, the municipality was subjected to the captaincy of Chiavari.

In the mid-sixteenth century, Vincenzo Zenoglio, known as il Crovo, became the most powerful bandit in the Mezzanego area, carrying out several feats throughout the territory. He even attacked Chiavari and the local lords, also assaulting Tuscany's rulers, Cosimo I de' Medici, while on his way to the Genoese capital. The bandit was sentenced to death in 1543 for this act.

In 1748, the Austrian troops suffered a defeat at the hands of the Genoese army for dominance over the territory, in the locality of Fano del Bocco.

In 1797, with the French domination of Napoleon Bonaparte, Mezzanego returned to the Entella department, with Chiavari as its capital. From April 28, 1798, the municipality became the capital of the V canton of the Entella jurisdiction, and from 1803, it was the principal center of the I canton of the Entella jurisdiction. In 1815, instead, the Municipality of Mezzanego was incorporated into the Kingdom of Sardinia under the Genoa division, as established by the Congress of Vienna in 1814.

Mezzanego: between Ligurian nature and history.


Mezzanego is a Ligurian municipality immersed in nature, with numerous peaks and territory that is part of the Aveto Regional Nature Park. The history of the municipality dates back to ancient times and is characterized by the important role of the Borzone abbey and ancient noble families such as the Fieschi. Mezzanego is also known for the feats of the bandit Vincenzo Zenoglio, known as il Crovo, who dominated the area in the mid-sixteenth century. Finally, Mezzanego was part of the Ligurian Republic, then of the First French Empire, before being incorporated into the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Wednesday, Jun 22, 2022