Mezzana Mortigliengo

Discover Mezzana Mortigliengo: a hidden treasure in Piemonte

Mezzana Mortigliengo is an Italian municipality in the province of Biella, located in Piemonte. With about 493 inhabitants, the village is little known but rich in treasures to discover.

Physical geography

The territory of the municipality is characterized by the presence of Lake delle Piane, which was formed following the construction of a dam on the Ostola stream, in the Masserano area.

Mezzana Mortigliengo: Hidden Treasures in Piedmont

Origins of the name

The name Mezzana Mortigliengo has ancient origins and its exact meaning is still uncertain. According to a local legend, the name Mortigliengo originated from a violent battle that was fought in the area, leaving many dead on the field. Other historians attribute the battle of the Campi Raudii and the destruction of the Cimbri by the Romans as the cause of the name Mortigliengo. Mezzana, instead, refers to the geographical position of the village within the Mortigliengo territory.


Mezzana Mortigliengo was, together with the villages of Soprana, Casapinta, Crosa and Strona, one of the five cantons that were part of the Community of Mortigliengo. The territory remained almost deserted until the 13th century, when Emperor Otto III donated the surrounding forest to the Archdiocese of Vercelli. Later on, the area began to be colonized and in 1243 the territory came under the control of the Municipality of Vercelli. Subsequently, Mezzana Mortigliengo became part of the possessions of the Visconti family, and then returned under the control of the Vercelli curia. In 1627, the inhabited centers of Mortigliengo separated, becoming autonomous municipalities. Mezzana represents the central part of the ancient community.


The municipality has a coat of arms granted by decree of the President of the Republic on 9 January 2004 and a banner divided in green and red.

Monuments and places of interest

Mezzana Mortigliengo is rich in monuments and places of interest, both from a religious and civic point of view.

Religious architecture

The parish church of San Bartolomeo dates back to the Middle Ages but was rebuilt in the 17th century. The bell tower, however, is a Romanesque architecture from the 12th century and is decorated with a fresco depicting St. Christopher, which was subsequently detached and restored, and is now preserved inside the parish church. The oratory of San Rocco, located in the Montalto hamlet, is richly frescoed.

Civic architecture

Mezzana Mortigliengo also hosts the so-called "Piazzetta degli artisti", a small square decorated with artistic murals and sculptures. The square is located in the Bonda hamlet and represents a real open-air art gallery. The work of the local painter Celso Tempia gave rise to numerous creations by Italian and foreign artists, making the village a true artistic gem.


Mezzana Mortigliengo is a village rich in history, culture and natural beauty, still little known but capable of fascinating those who visit it. Among its beauties we find Lake delle Piane, the Romanesque bell tower, the church of San Bartolomeo, the oratory of San Rocco and the Piazzetta degli artisti. These treasures represent a testimony of the history and culture of Mezzana Mortigliengo, a hidden treasure of Piemonte.

Andrea Fontana
Updated Sunday, Jun 26, 2022