
Meugliano, a beautiful village in the valley

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Meugliano, a beautiful village in the valley that unfortunately, since January 1st 2019, has merged with the municipalities of Trausella and Vico Canavese to give rise to the new municipality of Valchiusa in Piedmont. But let's go step by step and discover together the history, geography, society and administration of this municipality that has a particular beauty to offer.

History: noble palaces and eighteenth century buildings

Meugliano is a village of great historical interest, where the Gattino Ricardi di Netro palace stands out for its beauty, now owned by the Piccola casa della Divina Provvidenza of Turin, and the chapel of San Bartolomeo Apostolo, built between 1818 and 1820 and overlooking the main square. There are also some eighteenth century buildings with Canavese arches, which make it a place of great charm.

Meugliano, the charm of a mountain village.

Physical geography: Lake Meugliano

The territory of Meugliano is located in Valchiusella between 627 and 2,009 meters above sea level and was part of the suppressed Mountain Community Valchiusella, Valle Sacra and Dora Baltea Canavesana. But the real gem of this village is Lake Meugliano, which is a residual moraine lake from the Ice Age and occupies a basin of Monte Pianure, at an altitude of 750 m. With its coniferous forests, a lakeside walk of 690 meters and its maximum depth of 11 meters, Lake Meugliano is a place of great natural beauty, especially during the winter when it freezes.

Society: demographic decline

Unfortunately, demographic decline has hit Meugliano and has led to a "two-thirds" decrease in the resident population compared to the 1911 data. But despite this, Meugliano remains a village of great charm and that deserves a visit.

Administration: the history of administrations

For those interested in the history of the administrations of Meugliano, there is a table below relating to all the administrations that have succeeded over time.

Image gallery: the beauty of Meugliano

Finally, I cannot help but show you some images of Meugliano, because I believe it is the best and most authentic testimony of what I have just told you. In the image gallery, you can admire several photographs of Meugliano, including a splendid winter view of the lake, a view of the lake in summer, the parish church of San Bartolomeo, the former town hall, and some typical buildings of Valchiusella.


I hope you enjoyed my story about Meugliano, a village that has a very interesting history and unique natural beauty. Don't miss the opportunity to visit it if you ever get the chance!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Sunday, Aug 7, 2022