
A historic castle

Hello friends! Today I want to talk to you about the Castello di Mesola, one of the 19 Estense delights of Este. The castle is located in the municipality of Mesola, in piazza Umberto I. It was built between 1578 and 1583 at the request of Alfonso II d'Este, by Giovan Battista Aleotti on the project of Marc'Antonio Pasi, also known as Il Montagnana.

The history of the castle

As I said, the castle was used by the Estense as a residence during hunting trips in the adjacent Mesola Forest Natural Reserve. It was owned by the Estense family until 1771 and then passed through various ownership changes until 1952, when it came under the control of the Delta Padano Authority and is now owned by the Province of Ferrara.

Historical notes on the castle of Mesola.

Description of the castle

On the second floor of the castle is the Museum of the Mesola Forest and the Deer. On the noble floor, there is a permanent exhibition that traces the steps of the Este dream. The construction of this mighty castle, surrounded by walls for 12 miles and overlooking the natural harbor of the abbot can be admired. The elegant setup blends in with the majesty of the rooms with frescoed ceilings, and the visit is enriched by interesting multimedia reproductions. On the ground floor, inside the majestic hall, you can find symbols of the characters who made the castle's history from the Este family to the Papal State.

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The Castello di Mesola is part of the Estense delights and is near the Museum of the Mesola Forest and the Deer. It was built by the Este family during the Duchy of Ferrara, which later became the Duchy of Modena and Reggio.

External links

If you are interested in visiting the Castello di Mesola, you can find more information on the website of the Museum of the Mesola Forest and the Deer.

In summary, the Castello di Mesola is a historical place that has seen many owners over the centuries. Now it is a visitable museum and hosts a permanent exhibition on the history of the place. If you are passionate about history and architecture, the Castello di Mesola is surely a place that you must visit!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Saturday, Jun 4, 2022