
Discovering Merlino: history and monuments

Hello friends, today I'm going to talk about the small town of Merlino located in the province of Lodi in Lombardy. The history of this place is very interesting: the name of the village seems to come from "locum Merle", a possible Roman name, and over the centuries it has undergone various transformations. In the past it was a fief of the counts of Merlino, then it passed to the Belgioioso family and later, in the Napoleonic period, became a hamlet of Paullo. It was only later that Merlino regained its autonomy as a municipality.

A curiosity concerns the symbols of Merlino. The emblem features a jug-shaped drawing, which symbolizes the festivals and celebrations that take place in the village, while the coat of arms depicts an eagle with its head turned to the left, a rampant lion and a unicorn.

Among the monuments of Merlino are the parish church of Santo Stefano, rebuilt in 1615 and whose original construction dates back to ancient times, and the Sanctuary of San Giovanni del Calandrone. The latter dates back to 1261, but devotion to St. John the Baptist spread around the 1500s. The sanctuary is the only one in Lombardy dedicated to the saint and for this reason it welcomes numerous pilgrims and devotees every year. Inside there is a fresco from the 1400s depicting St. John the Baptist. The sanctuary is located along Via San Giovanni, which starts in front of the Merlino Town Hall and is a dirt road that crosses the Lodi countryside.

Another building of great interest is the Carcassola-Grugni Palace, better known as the Castle. It is an imposing structure probably erected at the end of the 16th century and belonged to the Carcassola family. Today it is owned by the Grugni family and is located at the end of the long straight road that leads to the hamlet of Marzano, when coming from Merlino or from the Paullese state road.

The Feast of St. John the Baptist

On June 24th of each year, the feast of St. John the Baptist, the patron saint of the Calandrone Sanctuary, is celebrated. During this festival, numerous activities are held, including the traditional solemn Mass with the procession that carries the statue of the saint, the blessing of the Calandrone waters and the novena rite. In addition, on the occasion of the feast, a fair with local products and games for children is organized. For the devotees of St. John the Baptist and for the people of Merlino, this festival is an opportunity to meet and spend time together.

Merlin: history, art, and nature.

Nature around Merlino

Merlino is surrounded by nature and offers many opportunities for all types of hikers. For those who want to walk or take a stroll, the surrounding countryside is perfect. You can in fact admire the landscape and discover the beauty of these countryside areas through paths that wind through the fields, canals and waterways. Moreover, Merlino is close to the Adda River, which offers breathtaking views and allows outdoor activities such as canoeing and fishing. Not far from Merlino is also the regional park of the Lambro Valley, a natural oasis that includes numerous paths and trails that allow you to discover the local flora and fauna.

Merlino's gastronomy

Finally, in Merlino's tradition, there is no shortage of mention of local gastronomy. Merlino's cuisine is based on typical products from the Lodi countryside and is characterized by the simplicity and authenticity of its dishes. Among the traditional dishes are the vegetable quiche, mushroom risotto and beef braised in the Lodi style. In addition, the area is famous for the production of cured meats, cheeses and wine, which can be enjoyed in the numerous agritourisms in the surroundings of Merlino.

In conclusion, Merlino is a delightful place, rich in history and natural beauty, perfect for spending a day discovering a corner of Lombardy that is still to be explored.

Sara Esposito
Wrote by Sara Esposito
Updated Sunday, Jul 24, 2022