
Discovering Mergo, the Municipality in the Marche Region with a Medieval Past

Hello everyone! Today, I will talk to you about Mergo, an Italian municipality in the province of Ancona in the Marche region. With its population of 1003 inhabitants, Mergo is a typical inland Marche village that developed thanks to the primary sector. Are you ready to explore with me this village with a medieval past?

Physical Geography

Mergo is a medieval castle located in a hilly area, ranging from a maximum height of 408 meters above sea level near the Church of Madonna delle Stelle, to a minimum of 136 m above sea level along the Esino River valley. The town is 28 km away from the town of Fabriano and 50 km from the regional capital, Ancona.

Mergo: the Marche municipality with a medieval past.

Origins of the Name

The name "Mergo" probably comes from the ancient form "Mèrago", whose root "mera" means in medieval Latin a marshy area. It is believed that the village was built in a swampy area formed by the overflowing of the Esino River. Furthermore, in the town's coat of arms, there is a bird that should represent the Smergo, a type of duck that is currently rare in Italy and that could find its natural habitat in the swampy valley floor.


Mergo has an ancient history dating back to the pre-Roman era when the entire valley was a transit and trade area between the Greeks from Ancona and Numana, the Etruscans, and the Umbrians. In 295 BC, the presence of the Romans was consolidated, who defeated the Etruscans, Umbrians, Gauls, and Samnites in the Battle of Sentinum. This is evidenced by the presence of numerous archaeological finds of Roman origin found in the area of Angeli di Mergo.

The village officially became a "castrum," a fortified place, in the 12th century, although it was dependent on the government of neighboring Serra San Quirico. In the 16th century, a tragic event occurred when the village priest was killed at the hands of the Mergans themselves, causing the suspension and submission of the Parish to that of Serra San Quirico. However, the real reason behind this murder was never discovered. In the following centuries, the castle was maintained through maintenance work, and the fields and their products were safeguarded.

There were also manifestations of faith, with the creation of the Company of the Blessed Sacrament in the seventeenth century and the Companies of S. Rocco and the Blessed Rosary. Later, the Confraternity of the Precious Blood was born. In the eighteenth century, the Ombrosi family took control of the territory of Mergo, then moved to the adjacent area.

Mergo achieved its administrative and parish autonomy around the mid-nineteenth century, while with the beginning of the new century, there was also an increase in the population. However, in 1928, Mergo definitively lost its administrative autonomy, becoming part of the Rosora Mergo municipality. Only after the end of World War II, precisely on February 1st, 1946, did the town regain its autonomy.


Mergo is a municipality with ancient origins and a medieval past that represents a typical example of an inland Marche village. With its hilly position and proximity to the Esino River, Mergo has origins linked to the history of the peoples who inhabited it. If you are interested in history and archaeology, we suggest you visit this small Marche village and discover up close the beauty of its traditions and origins.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Friday, Feb 11, 2022