
Menarola: a small village in Valchiavenna

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about Menarola, a small village in the municipality of Gordona, in the province of Sondrio. The peculiarity of this mountain village, which has only 47 residents, is that it was part of the territories of the Canton of Grisons before being annexed to Lombardy. But not only that: in 2015, thanks to a referendum, the population decided to reunite with the municipality of Gordona, from which it had separated in 1756.

The history of Menarola

Menarola has an ancient history that is lost over the centuries. In fact, it was once one of the towns of the Canton of Grisons, but with the arrival of Spanish domination in 1555, Valchiavenna was divided into two parts: the southern part under the jurisdiction of Como and the northern part under the control of Grisons. In 1797, with the arrival of the French, even the northern part came under the control of the Cisalpine Republic and then of the Kingdom of Italy.

In 1756, Menarola separated from the municipality of Gordona, which at the time was called Gordona and Budoia, to become a separate municipality. But this situation lasted a short time, since the municipality of Menarola was also abolished and merged with that of Gordona in 2015, after the referendum of May 31.

Menarola: History and Beauty of a Small Hamlet in Valchiavenna.

The physical geography of Menarola

Menarola is in a privileged position, surrounded by the mountain of Valchiavenna and a few kilometers from Lake Como. The village develops along the valley of Menarola stream, which has its source near the village itself, at 890 meters above sea level. The surrounding area is characterized by coniferous forests and pastures, where you can meet flocks of sheep and cows grazing.

The society of Menarola

Demographic evolution

Being a very small village, Menarola has a very united and solid community. Currently, it has only 47 residents, but it was much more populous in the past. In 1951, for example, the population was 166, while in the 1990s the number had been reduced to 86. Despite the decrease in population, Menarola is still much loved by its inhabitants, who consider it a magical and enchanting place to spend their days.


In conclusion, Menarola is a small village that has much to offer to those who love the mountains and tranquility. Its ancient history, its geographical position and its solid and united community fascinate anyone who has the fortune to visit it. If you are in the area, do not hesitate to take a tour of Menarola and discover all its beauties!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022