
Let's discover together the history of Melzo

Hello friends! Are you ready to learn more about the history of Melzo, a city in Lombardy? Here are some interesting facts that will take you back in time!

The origins of Melzo

Melzo has been linked to the presumed Etruscan origins and the ancient city of Melpum by Pliny the Elder. However, there is no archaeological evidence to confirm this theory. In addition, there is no historical continuity between the two cities, as Melpum was destroyed in the early 4th century BC while the first mentions of Melzo date back only to the 12th century.

Discover the history and beauties of Melzo, Lombardy.

The role of Melzo in the Middle Ages

Melzo, called "Mellesiate" in the 9th century, began to have ties with the nearby city of Milan at the end of the 13th century, during the conflict between the Visconti and the Della Torre. During the 15th century, Melzo experienced numerous wars between the factions of Milan and Venice. One of the most interesting moments was the legendary episode of the heroine Agnese Pasta, who led a pro-Sforza female revolt against Venetian soldiers. Over time, the city passed into the hands of local noble families, including the Trivulzio family, which contributed to creating the economic and social stability of Melzo.

The feud of Melzo and Gorgonzola

For almost two hundred years, the city of Melzo was associated as a fief with the city of Gorgonzola. Numerous feudal lords succeeded each other in leading the city. The son of Lucia Marliani, Galeazzo Visconti, controlled the fiefdom along with Ottaviano Maria Sforza (bishop). Later, the Trivulzio dynasty acquired control and held the position for almost two centuries.

Melzo in modern times

Starting from the 17th century, the city experienced strong industrial development thanks to a brick furnace. However, the economy was still heavily focused on agriculture and cheese production. Tuesday was the day of the weekly market, an unmissable appointment for the city's inhabitants.

What to see in Melzo today

Now that you know the history of Melzo, you can visit the city and discover its beauties.

The civic tower

The civic tower of Melzo stands majestically in the historic center of the city. Built in the 18th century, the tower is the symbol of the city and can be admired from the surrounding fields.

The Trivulzio palace

The Trivulzio palace is a historic building built in the 16th century. Belonging to the Trivulzio family, the palace has been restored and can be visited today. It has a beautiful internal courtyard and frescoes of great beauty.

The Belgioioso Villa

The Belgioioso Villa is an imposing villa built in the 19th century and the residence of the Belgioioso family. Today, the villa is open to the public and visitors can explore the interior with its antique furnishings and the beautiful surrounding gardens.

The Ticino Park

A short distance from Melzo is the Ticino Park, one of the most beautiful natural areas in northern Italy. Here you can walk immersed in nature, go on bike or horseback excursions, or simply relax on the banks of the Ticino river.

Melzo's culinary specialties

To end on a high note, we suggest you try Melzo's culinary specialties. The city is famous for Gorgonzola cheese, but there are also other dishes to try such as casoncelli alla bergamasca and apple pie, made with local apples.


And so, friends, we have discovered together the history of Melzo, a city full of charm and history. We hope to have piqued your curiosity enough to make you want to visit the city and discover all its beauties, its historic palaces, and its cuisine. Happy visiting to everyone!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Wednesday, Feb 1, 2023