
Welcome to Melizzano: a municipality in Campania

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about a small municipality located in the province of Benevento: Melizzano.

Let's discover the geography of Melizzano

Melizzano is a municipality located at the foot of Mount Taburno and borders with the province of Caserta. It is located on the right bank of the Vallone di Prata and is only 10 km from the Frasso Telesino - Dugenta railway station. It is part of the Mountain Community Zone of Taburno - Agricultural Region No. 4 - Lower Irpino Hills. Its altitude ranges from 33 to 940 meters above sea level and its agricultural area is 1,101.42 hectares.

Melizzano: history, culture and beauties to discover.

Brief historical notes on Melizzano

The town was created in the Middle Ages in place of the ancient Melae, a settlement of Samnite origin. In the XII century Catalogus Baronum it was a property of the Count of Caserta and then became the property of the Signoretto and Gambacorta families. In the seventeenth century it belonged to De Capua and Bellucci families and just before the abolition of feudalism (1806) it belonged to the Corsi family. In 1943 it suffered American bombings that caused twenty-one deaths.

What to see in Melizzano

The castle, privately owned, is a monument of considerable interest and still retains its original appearance. The merlo (architecture) runs along the entire structure and in the internal courtyard you can admire beautiful Gothic arches. The Church of San Pietro is the parish and archipresbytery and was first mentioned in the sixteenth century. The exterior has three doors topped by oculars and a window, while the interior has three naves with stucco decorations of 18th century taste. It houses a sculpture of the Madonna, the object of deep veneration.

Demography and culture

Melizzano has a population of 1693 inhabitants and has a very rich cultural history. It is mentioned several times in Eduardo De Filippo's comedy "De Pretore Vincenzo" and represents the protagonist's hometown and a city famous in ancient times for the production of apples.

Administration, bibliography and connections

Melizzano is a municipality with its own administration and specific bibliography. I invite you to visit the official website of the municipality for more information.

We hope that our brief journey of discovery of the municipality of Melizzano has pleased you. We look forward to taking you to discover other Italian wonders. See you next time!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Wednesday, Apr 27, 2022