
Welcome to Melazzo

Hello everyone and welcome to Melazzo! In this text, we will talk about the historical and cultural beauties of this Italian municipality in the province of Alessandria in Piedmont.


Melazzo has a long and rich history. Sant'Guido d'Acqui was born in the castle of the municipality and he donated his feudal rights to the church of Acqui in 1034. In the 13th century, Melazzo was under the control of the Acqui Commune and then became part of the Marquisate of Monferrato. The castle was the refuge of the King of England, Edward II, to escape the capture and assassination attempt plotted by his wife Isabella of France.

Discover the beauties of Melazzo: history, monuments, and culture.


The flag of the municipality of Melazzo is a white drapery, while the coat of arms was granted by royal decree on April 9, 1914.

Monuments and places of interest

There are many beautiful monuments and places of interest in Melazzo.

Melazzo Castle

The castle is an ancient fortress dating back to the year 1000. The building still preserves parts of the Late Middle Ages restored or integrated with neo-Gothic style. Inside, a plaque recalls the historical fact that Edward II of England found refuge in Italy and spent part of his last years in Melazzo.

San Bartolomeo Parish Church

The parish church of San Bartolomeo, built in the 18th century, contains decorations in Piedmontese Baroque style. The adjacent oratory, dedicated to the Dominican martyr San Pietro Martire, preserves interesting Baroque furnishings.

Il Quartino

The Villa del Quartino is located near the village and was built by the Scati family. Constanza Scati, lady-in-waiting to Queen Maria Adelaide of Savoy, lived here.

Montecrescente Castle

On the opposite bank of the Erro, there is an octagonal plan castle with four angular towers "at the edge", also known as Tinazza, built in the 14th century to monitor the outlet of the valleys of Bormida and Erro.

San Secondo Church

The San Secondo Church is a Romanesque building from the 12th century, currently isolated among the fields near the homonymous hamlet. Originally with a tau plant and triapsidal, only two parts remain. The church was part of the relatively frequent architectural model in the Diocese of Acqui.


In this short tour of Melazzo, we have admired many beauties and appreciated the history and culture of this Italian municipality. If you are lucky enough to visit the area, be sure not to miss these places of interest.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Thursday, Oct 20, 2022