Megliadino San Fidenzio

Welcome to Megliadino San Fidenzio!

Hello everyone! Welcome to Megliadino San Fidenzio, a small Italian municipality located in the beautiful Veneto region. Are you ready to discover everything this country has to offer? Let's start our tour right away!

Physical Geography

Megliadino San Fidenzio is located in the province of Padua, southwest of the regional capital. It is surrounded by a charming landscape and has a pseudo-triangular shape, delimited to the north by the Frassine river. The Vampadore canal runs through the village in a longitudinal direction. In the border with the municipality of Saletto, you can find the rural village of Prà di Botte.

Discover the history and legend of Megliadino San Fidenzio.

Origins of the Name

Our name derives from a Roman family named "Melia," or from the proximity of the Emilia-Altinate road. In the 13th century, the village was called Milliarini due to the small Roman columns positioned along the roads to indicate distances.


Megliadino San Fidenzio has a very ancient history. Archaeological excavations have discovered a Paleovenetian village of the 6th century BC, a Roman settlement, and remains of Roman villas in the territory. The village was crossed by the Adige river until 589 AD, and the presence of the Roman road Emilia-Altinate contributed to its growth. Until the year 1000, Megliadino was a much larger territory than the present one and included neighboring villages such as Megliadino San Vitale, part of Santa Margherita d'Adige, and Bresega. In 964, the bishop of the Diocese of Padua decided to transfer the mortal remains of Fidenzio of Padua to Megliadino San Fidenzio, after miraculous events.

The Legend of San Fidenzio

The legend of San Fidenzio tells us that two poor farmers received an order from a mysterious voice to go to Padua to see Bishop Gauslino Transalgardo and tell him that the body of a saint lies in a nearby forest in Polverara. Gauslino, at first skeptical, decides to go to this place. Thanks to his prayers, the stone arca where San Fidenzio rested emerges from the ground. While celebrating mass in the place indicated by the farmers, Gauslino feels the ground tremble under his feet.

We have come to the end of our tour of Megliadino San Fidenzio. I hope I have given you an idea of how rich the history of this beautiful village is. Thank you for listening to me, and see you soon!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Sunday, Nov 6, 2022