

Hello everyone, today we will talk about the tragic event of the killing of Braccano. On March 24, 1944, near the town of Braccano in the Marche region, German SS and Wehrmacht troops, supported by contingents of the Black Brigades and the Republican National Guard of the Republic of Salò, launched a roundup operation against the Italian Resistance partisan bands. Unfortunately, in this tragic event, five partisans and a civilian were killed once they were captured by Nazi-fascist troops. Among the victims was also the priest Don Enrico Pocognoni.

The Attack on Partisan Bands

The killing of Braccano was an atrocious action that occurred during World War II, when the Italian territory was divided into two parts: the northern part under the control of Nazis and Fascists and the southern part under Allied control. In this war context, German troops were engaged in a struggle against the Italian partisans, who were trying to sabotage and counter Nazi occupation. For this reason, on March 24, 1944, SS and Wehrmacht troops, along with their allies, the Black Brigades and the Republican National Guard, decided to launch a roundup operation against the active partisan bands in the area.

The massacre of Braccano: the killing of Nazi-Fascist troops during the Italian Resistance.

The Victims of the Massacre

Unfortunately, the roundup operation turned into a slaughter, as the Germans and their allies killed the partisans captured during the action. Among the victims was Don Enrico Pocognoni, the priest of Braccano, who had decided to join the partisan bands to fight against Nazi occupation. In addition to him, four other partisans and a civilian who had nothing to do with the Italian Resistance were killed.

The Memory of the Massacre

Although the massacre of Braccano is an event that occurred over seventy years ago, the memory of the victims continues to be present and alive in the community. The Memory of the Saint Father has been celebrated in the church of Braccano, where the priest Don Enrico Pocognoni was killed, and a commemorative ceremony is organized every year. Moreover, there are several websites and documentaries that tell the tragic event and the consequences it had on the local population.


In conclusion, the massacre of Braccano is another sad page in Italian history during World War II. The slaughter once again demonstrates how war and hate only lead to suffering and tragedies for the population. The memory of the victims of Braccano is important because it reminds us all that we must do everything possible to prevent similar tragedies from happening again. Let us always remember that peace and peaceful coexistence among peoples and nations are the best way to build a better future for everyone.

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Friday, Apr 15, 2022