
A brief introduction

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about Zeminiana, a geographical fraction of the Municipality of Massanzago, in the province of Padua. Here you can breathe an ancient history, as witnessed by the monuments and places of interest that we will discover together.

The history of Zeminiana

Zeminiana seems to have very ancient origins, dating back to the period of Ancient Rome. This is demonstrated by the toponym itself, which seems to be a predial linked to the Latin personal "Gemellius", and by the presence of traces of the so-called Roman grid, the northern centuriation of the agro of Padua. Furthermore, the proximity to the border with the agro of Altino, marked by the Muson Vecchio, would suggest the presence of a fortress, whose remains were identified near the church during some restorations.

Discovering Zeminiana: history, monuments and rural beauties.

Monuments and places of interest

The parish church

The parish church of Zeminiana has ancient origins, as evidenced by its dedication. It is believed to have been founded on the remains of a Roman "castrum" located on the borders of the agro of Padua. Despite this, it depended (and still depends) on the diocese of Treviso. It can be presumed, therefore, that the church was born within the diocese of Padua, but that it was deliberately founded on its outskirts to spread the faith outside its borders, towards the diocese of Treviso from which it was later absorbed.

The church underwent various restorations and reconstructions over the centuries, but fortunately was able to preserve many of its works of art. Among these, the "Mystery of the Eucharist", fresco by Giambattista Crosato located on the vault of the presbytery.

Villa Bonomi, Franceschetto

Villa Bonomi is located east of the center of Zeminiana, towards Briana and Stigliano. The main house has late 17th-century origins and consists of two floors, to which a elevation of the central band is added. The two facades have five forometric axes and are embellished by the clearer marcapiano bands that connect windowsills and architraves. The entrance is through the arched portal, flanked by two lunettes.

The complex is completed by a chapel and two barns. An architectural marvel that is well worth a visit!

Villa Zorzi, Silvestri, Malvestio

Villa Zorzi, on the other hand, is located west of the settlement, on the border with Sant'Eufemia di Borgoricco. It dates back to 1617, when it was described as a "dominical house" with the same current forms. However, already in 1518 an "abandoned house was burned by the Spaniards and partially repaired" belonging to the Zorzi family was attested. The villa presents an incredible amalgamation of stories and events, and an example of this is the presence of the Silvestri and Malvestio families.


Zeminiana is a small fraction that preserves priceless jewels. Probably born in the period of Ancient Rome, it has been able to preserve its history and beauty, leaving us an artistic heritage of inestimable value. If you are in the area, do not miss the opportunity to visit these places!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Sunday, Oct 2, 2022