Massa e Cozzile

Discovering Massa e Cozzile

Massa e Cozzile is a municipality located in the province of Pistoia, in Tuscany, with a population of 7,652 inhabitants. The municipal territory is located in the central part of Valdinievole and mainly includes hilly terrain. Massa e Cozzile is made up of the villages of Massa, Cozzile, Vacchereccia, Le Molina, and Vangile, while in the flat areas are the centres of Margine Coperta (current municipal capital), Bruceto, Traversagna, and Biscolla.

The Villages of Massa e Cozzile

Massa and Cozzile are two splendid medieval villages that are certainly worth a visit. Massa, located 223 metres above sea level, is surrounded by olive groves and chestnut trees and enjoys a mild climate in all seasons. The village offers a breathtaking view of Valdinievole, with the city of Montecatini Terme to the south and the villages of Colle and Buggiano to the east. To the southeast, you can admire the Pisan Mountains, with Mount Serra in the foreground, offering sunsets worthy of a painting. Cozzile, located three kilometres away, is famous for its well-preserved castle. From its elevated position, on particularly clear days, you can see all ten provinces of Tuscany.

Massa e Cozzile: discovering its medieval villages

History of Massa e Cozzile

The coat of arms and flag of Massa e Cozzile were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on June 11, 1997. The flag, granted by decree of the President of the Republic on March 18, 2020, is a cloth cut in white and red, charged with the municipal coat of arms.

Monuments and Places of Interest

The Church of San Jacopo Maggiore, located in the hamlet of Cozzile, is a religious architecture that deserves a visit. Built in Romanesque style, the church contains a valuable wooden crucifix from the 2nd century. The Church of Santa Maria Assunta, in the capital of Massa, is another religious architecture that is worth a visit for its beauty and historical importance.

Society and Demographics

According to ISTAT data as of December 31, 2009, the foreign population resident in Massa e Cozzile was 733 people. The nationalities most represented based on their percentage of the total resident population were Romania (3.35%) and Albania (2.80%).

Hamlets and Other Localities

The Municipality of Massa e Cozzile is composed of five hamlets: Cozzile, Massa (municipal headquarters), Margine Coperta, Traversagna, and Vangile. In the municipal territory, there are also the inhabited nuclei of Biscolla and Mortineto. Among the other minor localities, Croci, Le Molina, Mazzalucchio, Passerine, Tomboli, Tregiaie, Tregiaiole, and Vacchereccia are remembered.

Economy and Infrastructure

Massa e Cozzile is connected to Pistoia through the former state road 435 Lucchese, served by CTT Nord bus services. The economy of Massa e Cozzile revolves around agriculture, particularly the cultivation of olives and chestnuts. Moreover, the municipality hosts some artisanal workshops for woodworking and ceramics.

In general, Massa e Cozzile is a municipality that fascinates for the beauty of its territory and its well-preserved medieval villages, as well as for the genuineness of its economy and its people.

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Wednesday, Apr 20, 2022