Mason Vicentino

Montebello Vicentino: a friendly guide to the city

Welcome to Montebello Vicentino, a small town in the province of Vicenza, in the heart of the Veneto region. Our city has a population of about 6,361 inhabitants and offers an ancient and fascinating history, surrounded by lush nature.

Physical geography

Montebello Vicentino is located on the border with the province of Verona and is situated at the foot of the Lessini Mountains, just a few steps from the Berici Hills. The city is crossed by several waterways, such as the Chiampo stream, the guà, and Rio Acquetta, which offer an enchanting landscape.

Montebello Vicentino: history and nature at the foot of the Lessini Mountains.

Origins of the name

The name Montebello derives from the Latin phrase "ad aureos montes," of which "Montebello" is the transformed form. The meaning of "ad aureos montes" is "beautiful mountains," which is interpreted as "beautiful hill." The true origin of the name is not known with precision, but according to the most reliable interpretation, "ad aureos montes" is the name of the inhabited center.


Pre-Roman and Roman period

Montebello already had inhabited settlements in the Paleovenetian period, as evidenced by the tombs found in the territory. In Roman times, the refreshment stations were important along the Via Postumia, which connected Genoa to Aquileia, and Montebello acquired a certain importance due to the presence of the station called "Mutatio Aureos." This building was a rest and horse exchange station, located in the locality of Mason. The building was heavily damaged by the Austrians in the battle of Sorio in 1848, but it is still visible and offers a glimpse into the ancient history of the territory.

The impact of the Templar Knights

Montebello was also a "Mansio Templi," a unique Templar preceptory in the Vicentino, from which depended also the Gastaldia and the Commenda Gerosolimitana of S. Silvestro di Villaga. The "Militia Templi," of the Templar Knights, had the task of accompanying and supporting pilgrims heading to the Holy Land within the "Itinerarium Burdigalense." The "domus mansionis de themplo," an important and rich reception-assistance structure, was already a Templar pertinence since 1189. Even today, it is possible to admire the extraordinary vaulted cellars, the external stone buttresses, the arch from which you access the internal courtyard, the real del pozzo, a keystone with the engraved Templar cross, and some inscriptions on stone of difficult interpretation.

The Roman milestone

Also noteworthy is the Roman milestone or cippus that is located in front of the building, on the Knights Templar's path. Unfortunately, the inscriptions on the stone are no longer readable, but it represents another testimony of the Roman presence in the area.

Montebello Vicentino is a city rich in ancient and fascinating history. Our cultural and natural heritage offers an enchanting view to visitors, who can discover a pleasant and peaceful rural life. Come visit us and discover everything that Montebello Vicentino has to offer!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, May 2, 2022