
Welcome to Masate!

You are in Masate, a small town in Lombardy with a population of 3671 inhabitants. If you have decided to visit this area of the metropolitan city of Milan, here is some useful information for you.

Let's discover the physical geography of Masate

Masate is located on the bank of the Villoresi canal, between Milan and Bergamo, in the southern edge of Brianza. The territory is located in an area of the Padana Plain, between the high and low plain to the west of the Adda river. The altitude ranges from 139 to 171 meters, although most of the town is located around 150 meters.

Near the town runs the Rio Vallone, a dry stream for most of the year with its origin between the municipalities of Verderio and Paderno d'Adda. The Rio Vallone gives its name to the Rio Vallone Park, now part of the Northeast Agricultural Park. In the vicinity of the watercourse, there are several fragmented wooded areas.

Masate: geography, history and nature of the small Lombard pearl.

Le Foppe, a natural area to be discovered

The territory north of the Villoresi was used for clay extraction in the past. After the mid-twentieth century, the demand for solid bricks as load-bearing elements decreased in favor of reinforced concrete, and the quarries were gradually abandoned. The stagnation of rainwater favored by the clayey bottom transformed the former quarries into small seasonal basins called foppe, from the Milanese dialect term for a pool or a hole full of water.

In 2005, the local administration started a redevelopment project for the Foppe of Masate, following in the footsteps of some neighboring municipalities. In the area of the first foppa, accessible from Via Matteotti, a recreational area has been created with equipment for children, benches and a fountain in the center of the pond. The other two foppe are a habitat for some hygrophilous plant species and amphibian animals.

The history of Masate

Masate has an agricultural and textile tradition and has been documented since at least the 11th century. The inhabited nucleus is located on a small hill where vineyards historically used to be cultivated. A white wine was produced, also praised by the poet Carlo Porta.

During the Middle Ages, the town was part of the Martesana Committee and followed the fate of the Duchy of Milan. Among the old regime families that held feudal power there were the Trivulzio, the Stampa di Soncino, the de Leyva, and the Visconti di San Giorgio. The "De Maxate" family, which originated in this town, lived in Milan in the 18th century and still owned property there.

The municipal coat of arms

The coat of arms of the Municipality of Masate highlights the predominantly agricultural characteristics of its land and economy. The image of a cabbage butterfly underlines the predominantly agricultural character of the area, while the three ears of wheat indicate the fertility of the fields. The blue section of the cut seems to want to underline the purity and healthiness of the air that was breathed in this territory.


Now that you have discovered a little more about the geography and history of the Municipality of Masate, all you have to do is visit this little gem of Lombardy. Take a stroll in the recreational area of the Foppe, admire the natural beauty of the Rio Vallone, and don't forget to taste a glass of white wine produced on the hills of Masate. Happy discovery!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Sunday, Apr 3, 2022