Martiniana Po

Welcome to Martiniana Po: the small town in the low Po Valley

Hello everyone! Today, I will talk to you about Martiniana Po, a small town in the province of Cuneo, Piedmont, which has about 720 inhabitants. If you are looking for a quiet village immersed in nature, Martiniana Po could be the right choice for you.

Martiniana Po: the charm of the Po Valley



The Municipality of Martiniana Po has a coat of arms granted by the President of the Republic in 1994. It is not the most striking symbol I have ever seen, but if you are interested in local history, it could be interesting to discover what it is all about.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Piropo Museum and Geologic Site of Piropi Discovery

The Piropo Museum is an incredible tourist attraction in Martiniana Po. Here you can admire the famous "Piropi," oval-shaped geological structures typical of the area that form when sand is transported by water and deposited on a larger base of rocks. Once here, do not forget to also visit the geologic site where the Piropi were discovered.


Demographic Evolution

If you are interested in the history of the village, it could be interesting to discover that Martiniana Po once hosted many more people than it does today. Since the municipality has become smaller, traditional activities in the area have become even more important, as you will see in the next chapter.



If you are lucky enough to visit Martiniana Po during a specific month, you might have the chance to participate in the Small Fruits Festival. This event, held every year since 2004, is dedicated to promoting the local production of giant blueberries, white and red currants, raspberries, and wild strawberries. It is a unique experience in life, so do not miss it!


Other Administrative Information

The municipality was part of the Mountain Community of Valli Po, Bronda, Infernotto, and Varaita. If you are interested in local politics, you might find it interesting to know that this small town is part of a larger community.


If you still have questions about Martiniana Po, do not hesitate to ask the locals. The locals are always happy to share their knowledge of the town.

Other Projects

On the municipality's website, you will find more detailed information about places of interest and history. If you are interested, go and take a look!

Thank you for reading, and I hope that my review of Martiniana Po was helpful. See you on the next adventure!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Tuesday, May 3, 2022