Martignana di Po

Martignana di Po: Discover the Lombardian Municipality

If you are looking for a quiet place to spend a few days immersed in nature, Martignana di Po could be the ideal solution for you. This Italian municipality, located in the province of Cremona, has a population of around 2,000 inhabitants and offers various monuments and places of interest to visit, as well as a fascinating history. Let's discover them together.

Monuments and Places of Interest

A visit to Martignana di Po cannot but start from the Church of Santa Lucia, which is located in the center of the village. This place of worship dates back to the fifteenth century and was built in the Gothic style, with an adjacent bell tower. The interior is characterized by a trussed ceiling and several frescoes, including one depicting the Blessed Virgin of the Belt.

But it is not the only monument to visit: the municipality also boasts a noble villa, Villa Calcagni. Built in the eighteenth century, it is located outside the inhabited center and is surrounded by a large park. Currently, it is privately owned and not open to the public, but it is still worth a walk in its surroundings.

Discover Martignana di Po: a Lombard municipality between history and nature.


Demographic Evolution

Martignana di Po has a very ancient history, which dates back to Roman times. Over the centuries, the village has been ruled by different noble families, including the Calcagni and the Melzi d'Eril. The local economy has always been based on agriculture, in particular on rice cultivation and cheese production.

From a demographic point of view, the municipality has seen a constant increase in population in recent years. In 1951, the inhabitants were only 1,200, while in 2021 they exceeded 2,000.

Infrastructure and Transport

Between 1888 and 1954, Martignana di Po was served by a station on the Cremona-Casalmaggiore tramway. This line, managed by the Tramvie Provinciali Cremonesi company, connected the municipalities of Lombardy and was an important means of transport for goods and people.

Today, the village is reachable through the provincial roads 501 and 35, which respectively connect it to Cremona and Viadana. There are no nearby train stations, but the area is well served by buses.


The municipality of Martignana di Po is governed by a mayor and a municipal council, elected every five years. Currently, the position of mayor is held by Mario Giorgi, who leads a board composed of five assessors.


Martignana di Po is a rather small municipality, but it offers several opportunities for leisure and culture. Especially during the summer period, in fact, cultural events, fairs, and village festivals are organized, where you can taste local typical dishes and discover the traditions of the place.

Other Projects

If you want to deepen your knowledge of the municipality of Martignana di Po, we recommend consulting the official website of the municipality, where you will find further information on the territory and on the events scheduled.

External Links

Finally, if you want to discover other curiosities about Lombardian municipalities and beyond, we invite you to read our blog. Here you will find interesting articles on the most beautiful places in Italy and on the experiences to do absolutely during a trip. Happy reading!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Thursday, Mar 31, 2022