
Welcome to Martano: an introduction to the city

Hello everyone, today we are talking about Martano, a small town in the province of Lecce, in Puglia. Martano is the most populous municipality in the Grecìa Salentina, an area where grico, an ancient language of Greek origin, is spoken. Martano is also home to the Local Health Authority and an important educational center, but the city is also famous for being the City of Aloe since 2017, thanks to the cultivation and processing companies of this plant present in the municipal territory.

A little physical geography

The municipality of Martano covers an area of 21.84 km² in the region of Grecìa Salentina. The territory is located above the Miocene limestone deposits that constitute the so-called "pietra leccese" and the orographic plateau presents a small central basin. The territory is between 62 and 102 meters above sea level with a total altitude difference of 40 meters. There are no surface water courses but the water feeds the deep aquifer that is located more than 80 meters below the surface. The municipality of Martano borders the municipalities of Martignano and Calimera to the north, Carpignano Salentino to the east, Castrignano de' Greci and Corigliano d'Otranto to the south, and Zollino to the west.

Martano: the City of Aloe and the Wonders of Grecìa Salentina.

The climate of Martano

Are you ready to talk about the climate? From a meteorological point of view, Martano falls within the territory of eastern Salento which has a Mediterranean climate, with mild winters and hot and humid summers. The average temperature of the coldest month, January, is around +14.4 °C, while that of the hottest month, August, is around +36 °C. Frequent precipitation occurs in autumn and winter and is around 1 mm of rainfall per year. November is the month with the highest precipitation, with an average of 1 mm. Spring and summer are characterized by long periods of drought, with July being the driest month with 0 mm. The municipalities of eastern Salento are strongly influenced by the wind through cold currents of Balkan origin or hot African currents.

The City of Aloe

Since Martano was declared the City of Aloe in 2017, this product has become synonymous with the town. Numerous local companies specialize in its production and transformation into various products such as creams, gels, juices, and dietary supplements. Guided tours of companies are also available to discover the secrets of its cultivation and processing.

Tourism: what to see in Martano

Martano is one of the most important tourist destinations in Salento for its rich culture and tradition. The city offers numerous churches and historic buildings to visit, such as the Mother Church built in 1712, the Ducal Palace from the 17th century, and the Palmieri Palace from the 16th century, which is now home to the Civic Museum.

Martano is also famous for its cuisine, with typical local dishes like "pitta 'mpigliata," a kind of dessert made with honey and dried fruit. You can also taste fresh mozzarella and ricotta cheese produced by local shepherds.

Finally, if you want to attend shows and events, the city offers numerous opportunities. The Carnival of Martano is a highly anticipated event, with its floats and traditional music. Also, the Festival of the Taranta, which takes place in August, is celebrated with great enthusiasm in Martano.


In conclusion, visiting Martano means immersing yourself in Grecìa Salentina and discovering the traditions and culture of this territory. The Mediterranean climate, the artistic and architectural beauty, the cuisine, and the production of Aloe are just some of the attractions that offer anyone who wants to discover the beauty of this city.

Giovanni Rinaldi
Updated Friday, Nov 4, 2022