
Marsicovetere: a municipality in Basilicata

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk to you about Marsicovetere, an Italian municipality located in the province of Potenza, in Basilicata. The town has a population of about 5,545 inhabitants and is made up of the historic center, located on a hill inside the national park of the Lucanian Apennines Val d'Agri Lagonegrese, and the outlying areas of Villa d'Agri and Barricelle, which are instead located in a flat area.

Physical geography

Marsicovetere: the historic municipality of Basilicata.


The territory of Marsicovetere covers an area of 67.55 km² and borders to the north with the municipality of Calvello, to the east with the municipality of Viggiano, to the south with the municipalities of Grumento Nova and Tramutola, and to the west with the territories of Paterno and Marsico Nuovo. The historic center is located about 800 meters above sea level, while Villa d'Agri and Barricelle are located at about 600 meters. The highest point is the summit of Monte Volturino, which reaches 1,836 meters, while the lowest point is located near the Agri River, at 312 meters above sea level. Marsicovetere is the second highest municipality in the region, after Pietrapertosa.


The climate of Marsicovetere is influenced by its geographical location and altitude. The nearest meteorological station is located in Stigliano, but according to the average data from the thirty-year period of 1961-1990, the average temperature of the coldest month, January, is 4 °C, while that of the hottest month, August, is 22 °C.


Marsicovetere has very ancient origins, as evidenced by the remains of an ancient civitas indicated by the Roman historian Strabo with the name of Vertina. The Roman family of the Bruttii Praesentes built a grand Roman villa in Marsicovetere of over 20,000 m², which was the residence of the Empress Bruzia Crispina, Commodo's wife, in the 2nd century AD.

With the Norman conquest of southern Italy, the village was fortified with a castle and walls. In the 7th century, following the destruction of Grumentum, the inhabitants moved to the hill where Marsicovetere now stands. According to Giacomo Racioppi, the etymology of the name is linked to the Late Latin word "Marsicum" which means "marshy place", referring to the underlying Val d'Agri. In May 1151, the presence of the castle and the surrounding village is attested in a donation act by Alexander Marsici Veteris dominus, who granted the monastery of Sant'Iohannis to the Territorial Abbey of the Holy Trinity of Cava de' Tirreni.

In 1334, Marsicovetere was a refuge for Angelo Clareno, a spiritual Franciscan hunted by the Inquisition. In the convent of Santa Maria di Loreto, he introduced the order of the Fraticelli and produced a religious effervescence based on a spirituality based on the renewal of life in anticipation of the apocalypse and the realization of miracles.


Here is a brief introduction to Marsicovetere, a municipality in Basilicata with an ancient and fascinating history. The town is located in a strategic position, immersed in a breathtaking natural landscape. If you are looking for an alternative and authentic destination for your next vacation, keep an eye on Marsicovetere!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Wednesday, May 11, 2022