Marsico Nuovo

Marsico Nuovo: a city on the hill

Marsico Nuovo is an Italian city located in Basilicata, a mountainous region in southern Italy. The city is situated on three hills overlooking the Val d'Agri, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. The city has a population of about 3,800 inhabitants and was recently granted the title of city by the President of the Republic.

A history rich in culture and conquest

Marsico Nuovo has a very ancient and culturally rich history. Archaeological remains of the city have been found since the pre-Roman period. The center of the city, the Civita, was in a strategic position that dominated the valley and the access routes to Potenza and Salerno. In the 5th century BC, the city was part of the federation of Lucanian city-states that opposed Roman penetration. After the foundation of the Roman colony of Grumentum, the Lucanian city underwent a decline but then recovered with the creation of the Herculean Way. With the arrival of the Longobards, the city acquired even more strategic importance, finding itself on the southern border of the Longobard principality of Salerno.

Marsico Nuovo: history, culture and sustainable development

The cultural importance of the city

Marsico Nuovo has played an important role in the cultural history of southern Italy. In 1054, the episcopal seat of the Diocese of Grumento Nova was moved to Marsico, which gave the city further cultural significance. In the Middle Ages, the city was the administrative capital of a territory that extended over almost the entire Vallo di Diano and the lower Cilento. The Sanseverino family ruled the city for a long time, influencing the politics of the kingdom throughout the Angevin period. The city also had a significant role in the history of the Catholic Church, having hosted important sanctuaries and basilicas.

The ancient and modern charm of the city

In addition to its ancient history, Marsico Nuovo is a modern city with many attractions for visitors. The city offers a variety of activities and entertainment, from local cuisine to culture. The city has many festivals and events throughout the year, such as the Carnival of Marsico Nuovo and the Feast of San Vito. The city is also the starting point for many excursions and is very popular among trekking enthusiasts.

Conservation and development of the city

The city of Marsico Nuovo has adopted a policy of sustainable development and conservation of the environment. The city is investing in the conservation of its natural and cultural resources, like the Piana del Lago lake and the Agri River Valley. The city has also taken measures to reduce the environmental impact on its trails and the surrounding landscape, promoting eco-tourism activities and environmental sustainability.


Marsico Nuovo is a unique city, situated among the mountains of Basilicata, with an ancient history and a rich culture. The city offers many opportunities for visitors to explore its natural and cultural beauty and to enjoy local activities and hospitality. The city's policy of sustainable development demonstrates its commitment to preserving the environmental and cultural heritage for future generations.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Thursday, Dec 22, 2022