San Valentino


Dear friends, today we will talk about Valentine's Day, one of the most romantic holidays of the year. On February 14th, love is celebrated and couples exchange flowers, chocolates and candlelit dinners. But who was St. Valentine and why did we decide to dedicate a holiday to him?


St. Valentine is not only the name of a saint, but also the name of many towns in Italy. There are San Valentino in Abruzzo Citeriore, in the province of Pescara, San Valentino Torio in the province of Salerno, San Valentino a Brentonico in the province of Trento, and many others. In addition, there are also numerous fractions that bear the name of San Valentino, such as San Valentino di Loro Piceno in the province of Macerata.

Valentine's Day: the celebration of love and saints in Italy.


Valentine was a very important saint for the Catholic religion: in fact, there are many Valentines celebrated on different dates of the year. The most famous is certainly the one celebrated on February 14th, who was a bishop of Terni and a martyr. This Valentine became the patron saint of lovers and his holiday became Valentine's Day.

There are, however, other Valentines celebrated on different dates, such as the martyr in Ravenna with Feliciano and Vittorino celebrated on November 11th; or the martyr together with Solutore and Vittore celebrated on November 13th. Even St. Valentine of Trier, bishop of the diocese of Trier and martyr, is celebrated on this list, precisely on July 16th.

Related pages

If you are interested in delving deeper into the topic of St. Valentine and holiness, there are many other related pages on the internet. You can find information about the name Valentine, the churches dedicated to him, and the cities where Valentine's Day is celebrated all over the world. In addition, many other saints bear the name Valentine, each with their own story and festivities.

In conclusion, Valentine's Day has become one of the most romantic moments of the year, a holiday dedicated to love and lovers. However, the figure of St. Valentine represents much more than a simple romantic commemoration: he is an important saint who deserves to be fully known and celebrated. May St. Valentine be with you!

Federico Conte
Updated Saturday, Jul 9, 2022