
Welcome to Mercatello!

Mercatello is a small hamlet in the municipality of Marsciano, in the province of Perugia. Situated 210 meters above sea level, the village is inhabited by only 165 people.


Mercatello has an ancient history and its name probably derives from the markets that took place here in the past. Due to its location along the Orvieto road, the hamlet was an important reference point for trade in the area. The village, in addition to hosting the market, belonged to the Monte Vibiano Vecchio family, whose emblem is still visible on the village's walls.

Mercatello: History, Economy and Places of Interest in Umbria

Economy and Events

Mercatello's geographical position on a gentle hill allows for the production of excellent quality wine. The village is in fact known for its wine, strictly produced with native grape varieties. One of the most important events in the hamlet is the wine festival held every summer.

Monuments and Points of Interest

Although small, Mercatello offers several places of interest to visit. These include the Casa Hospitium of Baglione da Monte Vibiano, an ancient hotel used to accommodate pilgrims and travelers passing through. The porch is adorned with Renaissance-style columns. Another notable building is Palazzo Sereni, built entirely of stone at the end of the 1800s and with five floors and 56 rooms. The Church of San Michele Arcangelo, dating back to 1934, contains a fresco by Michelangelo da Matteo and an altar painting by the painter Gina Baldracchini. But among the most impressive attractions are also the Chiusa of Mercatello, dating back to the Renaissance, and the Molino dell'Osteria, an ancient mill with three grinders still in operation until 1945.


Mercatello is a quiet and welcoming hamlet, where life proceeds at a slow pace. There is a family and friendly atmosphere: everyone knows each other and the sense of community is very strong.


The hamlet of Mercatello is located in the inland area of the Umbria region, halfway between Orvieto and Perugia. The hamlet rises on a hill and is crossed by the Nestore river.

Other Projects

If you want to discover further information about the hamlet of Mercatello, we recommend visiting the website of the municipality of Marsciano. You can discover all the beauties of the surrounding area and organize a visit to admire its historical and artistic treasures.

Federico Conte
Updated Saturday, Jul 9, 2022