
Cerqueto: a hilltop village in the province of Perugia

Cerqueto is a charming hamlet located in the municipality of Marsciano, in the province of Perugia, in Umbria. The village stretches along the "marscianese della collina", the state road that connects Marsciano to Perugia, passing through the peaks of the western hills of Valtiberina. With its 628 residents, it is the second most populous hamlet after Spina.

The history of Cerqueto

The origins of the village date back to the 12th century and its name may come from the Latin "circus" or from the oak tree, the large forest that once covered the area. Over the centuries, the village has suffered from wars, army devastations and internal struggles for the control of Perugia. However, among its famous villagers there are personalities such as the Blessed Giacomo from Cerqueto, Monsignor Giulio Cicioni and Padre Mariangelo from Cerqueto, known as the "Frate indovino", who contributed to the fame of the village.

Cerqueto: history, culture and traditions of an Umbrian village.

Economy and events

Thanks to its hilltop location, Cerqueto enjoys a good development of agriculture and viticulture, which represent the main economic resources of the village. In the past, however, the village was also known for the production of giugliaie, large wicker baskets used to sift wheat. Every year, in June, the Festa dei Cerqueti takes place, an event that celebrates the traditions and culture of the village.

Monuments and places of interest

Cerqueto is a place rich in history and culture, boasting several monuments and places of interest. Among these, the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, dating back to 1163, which holds the remains of the Blessed Giacomo from Cerqueto and two important pictorial works by Perugino and Tiberio d'Assisi. The Edicola of S. Lucia, dating back to the 15th century and portraying Saint Lucia, San Rocco and the Madonna with the Child, is another important artistic testimony of the village. The former Church of Santa Caterina and the Chiesetta of Sant'Agostino, both from the 20th century, complete the rich artistic heritage of Cerqueto.

Society and sport

Cerqueto is a dynamic and lively village that is committed to enhancing its own traditions and promoting sport and culture. The football team Cerqueto 2000 Calcio plays in Promozione and was founded in 2000, while the Karate Cerqueto Association is an important reality for martial arts enthusiasts.

Bibliography and external links

To learn more about the history and culture of Cerqueto, two important texts can be consulted: "Marsciano" by Francesco Cavallucci and "Marsciano, le sue frazioni, la sua gente ieri, oggi e domani" by Pietro Caruso. In addition, it is possible to visit the official website of the municipality of Marsciano or the Facebook page dedicated to Cerqueto.

In conclusion, Cerqueto represents a fascinating reality, rich in history and culture, which deserves to be discovered and appreciated for its beauty and traditions.

Federico Conte
Updated Saturday, Jul 9, 2022